ClanBase ET announces NationsCup X ! (29233 Views)
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on 25.10.06 21:34

As far as we know, most of you expected the next edition of the OpenCup or/and EuroCup.
But ClanBase has some other big surprise for you...
We are proud to present you... the ClanBase NationsCup X !
So start choosing your Captains, form the teams and get ready to let your Nation rrrrumble!
This season ClanBase ET Crew also welcomes three new faces to enforce their mighty team, so please welcome:

lab and myself will be the supervisors for the NationsCup X.
We hope ofcourse that many many countries will sign up because it's with your Nation that we can turn this into yet another great NC succes !
It is important to know that this season will be played in the 5 versus 5 format as we previously announced.
This also applies to the upcoming EuroCup and OpenCup season.
More informations about applying as TeamCaptain and entering as a Nation can be found here.
PS : We also need people to function as match admins, don't be afraid and sign up as a cupadmin because we do need you !
We wish all the participating Nations the best of luck and frag on !
lab & Anaconda

maybe you didn't noticed yet, but 5on5 sucks.
thanks for your attention!
thanks for your attention!
6on6 FTW!
6on6 pls
6on6 pls
6on6 pls
6on6 pls :<
6v6 >>> 5v5
Arent u still bored about 5on5 / 6on6?
cb is so boring with his 5o5 :x
next year 7vs7 ?
4on4 plz
pl with 5v5 maybe you're gonna get semi final and final ( 4 teams )
if you pay more money people might even play 4 v 4
if you pay more money people might even play 4 v 4
Give it up arni, they're going to stay with 5on5 and probably will find more than enough teams willing to play :-).
6o6 pls
whine more bout 5on5 plz, accept it as it is they're not gonna change it if you whine more
never liked you... with whine you get somewhere with doing nothing you cant get even close :P
en je hebt het hier over het principe niet gegschoten is altijd mis? :P
5v5 is ok.
6on6 pls
yehaaa! im so happy cuz 5v5 owns the shit out of ya! WELL DONE
6o6 better
6o6 better
fu cb
DERSO #1 pff
Long live Germany who act like they speak =]
Long live Germany who act like they speak =]
plz stop transfering xfire whine to thx.
6on6 pls
All the people that want to play 6v6 ----> :P
FU with ur 5o5 noobstyle
buhuuu more whine plz, there is no obligation to watch it
fu 5on5 ! pls quit clanbase !
6v6 plz!
6on6 FTW OMG!
6x6 pls, 5x5 sucks balls .
[12:43:57] [@Lect^eiz6u]: 6x6 pls, 5x5 sucks balls .
[12:43:57] [@Lect^eiz6u]: 6x6 pls, 5x5 sucks balls .
''Another comment with 6on6 plz''
6on6 plz!! :p
6on6 plz!! :p
6o6 plz
stfu plz, naabs, go WL if u want 6on6... stop whining the shit out of everyone
only cb got NC so we whine, if WL or chosen makes NC i wont whine @ cb
6on6 plz
6on6 pls
more lesbians on gtv plz
Did someone mention 5on5 sucks and 6v6 is the way to go! :P
i heard idle wants 5on5
6v6 > 5v5
CB u suck, if u do it 5v5
CB u suck, if u do it 5v5
6on6 pls
it is not 2 late yet cb staff...think about it, for it can become the worst nc of all
6on6 pls
i think idle will say "5v5 rocks"
they didint loose because of 5on5 format
did i say that?
regarding to your post it seems so
6on6 pls
1v1 plzzzzz
can somebody plz shoot this guy?
hoi arphetic :)
hoi arphetic :)
ah roodharige knul.
6on6 plz
6on6 4 real...
5v5 bleeeeee maybe in next season we put red and yellow cards for a fouls :D and offsides that gona be great xD
6on6 ftw ??
If u like 6on6 more than 5on5, then join #6on6> @qnet
6o6 PLZ!!
well done CB 5x5 is da future!
Good luck to all nations.
7 vs 5 pls
6on6 plz
6o6 best ,5o5 why not ,but plz no crevasse :P
6on6 pls :/
neh neh <3
5on5 > 6on6, but FINLAND FTW !!
what do you think about lineups, what will they be?
what do you think about lineups, what will they be?
6on6 plz
6on6 > all !
6on6 made the game
5on5 will destroy it
5on5 will destroy it
That much complaining about the 5/5 and they still won't admit they are wrong with this 5/5 shit
6o9 plz....