A New #1Day-Cup Heading Your Way (12594 Views)
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on 31.10.06 11:41
This sunday the 5th of november,
#1Day-Cup will organise it's 4th cup and this time we would like to make it huge.
Instead of 32 teams, we are looking for 64 teams who want to play a match or more on a sunday afternoon for fun.
This Wednesday (the first of november) at 20.00 CET the signups will open so you can signup for this cup.
The first 64 teams ( or we don't get that number 32 ) will be participating.
We wish you good luck and fun for this cup.
The #1Day-Cup Admin Crew
nEkz,kiss,Rain & TruT

hf @ fanboying kiss =D
sorry to say but:
incompetent admins.
incompetent admins.
Old but true
i'm impotent, but to incompetent..
Who are you to criticise us ? like the world leader of ET? Crawl back in your shell
Who are you to criticise us ? like the world leader of ET? Crawl back in your shell
your shell* :p
btw nice job again TruT,kiss,rain en nEkz
btw nice job again TruT,kiss,rain en nEkz
<3 brad , that was a typical mistake by typing to fast :D
Sometimes you forget an "o" while typing.
give an exemple and if you are right then i'll believe u
saying stupid things/fanboi stuff.
your on ettv ppl can read those stupid things and then the whine starts :D
your on ettv ppl can read those stupid things and then the whine starts :D
Funny if you start whining for smth like that
just don\'t chat around with all the shoutcasters, and you\'ll do fine
<3 kiss (just this once ;) )
<3 kiss (just this once ;) )
We do this thing for fun
why can't we have fun on ettv then ?
why can't we have fun on ettv then ?
you can have fun, no problem :D
just remember that there's always about 200 people watching your nonsensical typing, hmmkay? :D
just remember that there's always about 200 people watching your nonsensical typing, hmmkay? :D
so ?
we love to have an audience ^^
we love to have an audience ^^
whatever... as long as kiss shuts his mouth ;) :D
stfu delbar
bcz i dont like fanbois as you
sorry... is this the same kiss that asked me to be his fanboy about 2 months ago??
strange :-s
strange :-s
100 % agree
gl with it trut
thx <3divx & #n0life.et :D
<3 the broadcasting of this :d
nice work hope you guys made some new changes ..to make it special
not another 1-day-cupf xD
not another 1-day-cupf xD
we got ourselves a sponsor now, he will be giving away gameservers and VoiceIP.
Good enuff for you?
And btw we are changing mappool
Good enuff for you?
And btw we are changing mappool
anyway this cup rox ...hope at next we participiate too
cant play this one :(
im a crew member to :( why am i not in the list imo? :(
you dont fit in there. <3
u are gtv member ! :p
no no i'll fit u in next cuppie :)
u are gtv member ! :p
no no i'll fit u in next cuppie :)