Splatter TV joins GamesTV.org (3751 Views)
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on 02.11.06 20:46

2006 has seen Quake 3 brought back to the limelight with its new found support from the CPL amongst other organisations. The grand father of engines that gave birth to a number of titles and their own TV mods is once again in its place in the front row and now there is one place to go to find all the IP's for all of the best matches. From now on, you can see the complete Splatter TV broadcasting schedule at GamesTV.org and keep up to date with your favourite players and teams.
Since 2004 GamesTV.org has proudly covered as many gaming events as possible and is ever looking to expand, this latest partnership is a proud moment for the site and its crew. GamesTV operates as a hub for as many TV server IPs as possible in a bid to centralise the spectating experience and has worked with Quakecon, iTG, Clanbase, GIGA and many others.
To find out more and view the complete GamesTV schedule please visit:
#GamesTV.org on Quakenet

woohooo, yay! :D
Who let you here!!
awesome! =)
does the battle for berlin guys use gtv as well? :/
does the battle for berlin guys use gtv as well? :/
nice :)
wow thats good news. welcome to gtv :)
nice nice nice!
splatter ftw!
well done! Splatter-TV rocks ;)