NationsCup X: Current Nation Signups (3242 Views)
written by
on 04.11.06 00:32

After ClanBase announced the signups for the NationsCup X, it is with great happyness to announce that we already have received 17 applications that were accepted and processed before the signup closing date.
This does not mean that the signups are closed, they are still OPEN till Wednesday, November 8th.
You can see the list of the accepted Nations and their TeamCaptains here:

Nations that still feel like signing up, do not hesitate ! You still have time till Wednesday, November 8th ...
Congratulations to all the captains that have applied and got accepted, good luck and start building your teams! To the people who didn't get accepted, we are very sorry but you didn't have the right support that was needed to become a teamcaptain.
So better luck next time,
Anaconda & lab
PS: We would like to point out, that TeamCaptains who are applying should state their CORRECT HID + CORRECT CID, thanks in advance

go germany go
lol i took a look at teams...
final: Belgium vs. Estonia, no doubt about it :) :D
final: Belgium vs. Estonia, no doubt about it :) :D
I think too, will be exciting match :P who should I spec
spec tosspot, he can't leave a chance like that, I'm sure he'll be there :) :D
yep... but gl to all teams though :D
finland ofc
Gl Poland <3

well aehm, i dont see a sign up of the winner of the last nation cup: The Netherlands aswell as the team that got 2nd place: Germany.
Hope they sign up in time...
well aehm, i dont see a sign up of the winner of the last nation cup: The Netherlands aswell as the team that got 2nd place: Germany.
Hope they sign up in time...
Like the post states, they still have time :D
it's 5on5, I don't think they will sign up. Thanks for listening to the community cb <3
EDIT: was to quick with my reply :< didn't read the 5o5 to 6o6 post yet, soz cb :p
EDIT: was to quick with my reply :< didn't read the 5o5 to 6o6 post yet, soz cb :p
np, we all make mistakes :D
only cb makesthe big ones :P
vlx saw his mistake after 15 minutes^^
forgive me lord pentel :$
tssss :)
vlx you didnt understand what i meant to say - i ddnt say it to you :P but nvm
Finland must own this year, but I think Sweden will win the final.
where is my cnt? slovakia 4 ever :-D
aut ftw
GL Butch
GL Butch
estonia :)
as soon as GER will signup, it's a matter of fact that the leftover squads can arrange the places 2 to 3 among themselves :P
ziemlich groÃspurig sowas zu sagen, findest du nicht?
wann geht der los? :S
ya zag t al, beetje bagger allemaal
gl italy maybe another time champions of the world :)