GN2 Released (16641 Views)
written by
on 04.11.06 16:00

Although still built on the secure DragonFly Content Management Engine, GamersNation 2 features some extensive custom programming "under the hood" which has been designed to both meet the needs of our members as they've indicated over the 2 years we've currently been in operation, and to allow us to increase the scope of the content we produce here, with several key modules now merged into a single central scaleable Content delivery system.
We have also spent time working on the graphical side of the site and "ease of use" of the site which has chnged significantly from the older website. There are many changes still happening on the website, such as a large overhaul of the competition module which should be completed in the nextfew weeks, just in time for the next GamersNation ET Cup!
To find out everything that has changed take a look at our Change Log
We look forward to seeing you there soon!

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haha ;) nice logo ;);P
advanced user of brushes from deviantART detected :)
advanced user of brushes from deviantART detected :)
looks really nice :D
from 715⬠won 81⬠to 651⬠i can't count or wtf?
omg somebody explain me that pls
maybe cause the bet u won got canselled....
can (be) selled????
aaaaaaaaaahh ok now i see ;D
some of u can make a lot of noice for some fake money :P
could somone resize banner, its destroying page layout
silly lab, use a proper resolution. looks fine here (if even that, too small) !
1024x768 is good enough for me :)
i could say "fixed in the testversion" but thats probably not enough ;-)