#GamersNation - HomeNations Cup (1368 Views)
written by
on 07.11.06 19:10

With so much hype surrounding the Clanbase NationsCup this season, there is regrettably always teams and also players that dont get to compete. Thats why #GamersNation is running the HomeNations Cup, taking the best of the UK and allowing them to compete to find the best country in the UK.
For those who are not aware, the UK is split up into the following countries:

[flag=sco] Scotland and

Each team will play each other twice in a league system, the winners and team in second place will go forward into the Grand Final, with the remaining two clans fighting it out for 3rd and 4th place!
If you are wanting to represent your country you are recommend to contact your relevant captain.

[flag=sco] Vexx - #scotland.et

Team Captains must contact

Good Luck To All Teams!
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n1ce flag
the flag is like that? :S
its Be-It :-)
razz play on scotland?
nice, look forward to cheerleading ;)
Northern Ireland*