GAMESTV Goes GIGA (1587 Views)

written by gb angrykid on 06.05.06 18:47


FlyingDJ on TV :P
FDJ did a great job.
congrats to FDJ for the very interesting and very entertaining representation of our beloved et.

thanks and cheers
he was doing a great job,
what a pitty he didn't ahd the chance to put some better cfg on
Great job FlyingDJ!

Das beste fand ich ja die Frage vom Moderator auf Goldrush.

Ah ja der Panzer dampft!?? :p
das is in wirklichkeit ne portable feldküche
Does anyone have a record of the Game ?
I mean did anyone record the Stream or Sat???

Pls i couldnt see it !!!!

Thx basch
i think masta- recorded it.
i post the link asap.
is that the same recording gtv.arni is refering to???