European config incoming! (8308 Views)

written by de chosen_ on 19.11.06 22:54


nice, thx :)
cb :-/
really nice one :)
thanks cb for not following -.-
Thanks them for getting out of the config when we had one and pretty lame you are using this name.
It was pretty much the name I had in mind when I started out, didn't really feel like changing it.
pls go irc, dont argue here... :|

both of you disappointed the community
Can you explain the community the reason why you keep "cl_maxpackets IN 60 100".
What exactly did I do again? :D
n1 frop. if its the config we used on the idle server the other day, very nice. :)
ye maxpackets should be in 76-100
seriously, it's your own mistake not having any configs finished (few weeks ago, may u remember) and not wanting to join any conversation. Before "spreading lies", think about your own again.

Also, you stopped making a euro config, this doesnt means other are not allowed to keep on making a european config.
keep going your attitude
that happened during your little excursion to 5v5 tbh
Ask Frop for the logs and check dates.
/msg carebear for logs.
doesnt respond :-(
mission time limits are better at clanbase imo, e.g. 15 mins on adler... for?

you rly should make 4v4 config (even if only for funwars/trainings)
The timelimits are the same as in the last Crossfire & ESL config, except for the ones mentioned in the changelog.

What sort of features should a 4v4 have then? Less mines or a slightly altered 3v3 config?
my point about adlernest is:

* if teams are balanced:
1 SW Round: 3-8 minutes
2 SW Round: 3-8 minutes

* if teams are not balanced:
1 SW Round: fullhold (15 minutes of boring game)
2 SW Round: 3-5 minutes
1 SW Round: 3-5 minutes
2 SW Round: 3-5 minutes

i see no reason to make adler longer than 10 minutes.
Will be taken into consideration.
so if all leagues use now 25 seconds spawn on frost, there is problem with public servers, most of them still use 30 sec spawntime
where exactly is the problem now?
the problem is for those who use autoexec_mapname.cfg

EDIT: And they have no place to bind a key for timerinput value switch
so the configs should be adapted to some public's settings? i think it should be the other way round
thats what im trying to say mate

i count that a few server admins will read it and change it to 25
the 25sec timer is more important.

1. you need it in wars
2. hard to time the spawn without it
3. 30sec spawn is easier to time
rate set to 25000!!! and will be goood
Well first of all Finaly one global cfg.
second CB why are you guy's not going with it??

I mean it's great that ppl are trying to go for one Global cfg it's mutch easyer to have one globel cfg then like 2 or 3 different per league or cup.
So CB join up and all go for that one big final Global cfg.

i think it makes everybody's life mutch better for the server admins, hosters and cup organizers.
i think CB is doing a good thing here.
if all cups got the same config then there will not be variation.
always the same settings/rates/spawntimes.
and with different configs you got much more variation in the game.
for example soldier panzer or no soldier panzer.
maxrate 25000 or higher/lower.
the variation is what keeps et in business.
but of course thats the opinion of a cheesehead
more configs pls :S
Actually less, as these will replace the ESL, CF,WL, ET-Cup, 1day-cup and GET-LIGA configs.
i thing this is discrimination
i have dsl 328 and so i play with maxpackets 60 my ping is 500till 999
so good bye wars and good bye leagues
i wont to play with it but i dont CANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your problem, if u dont have normal connection u just cant play, like if u dont have pc u will not play 2.
try /rate 15000 and try new rate settings together with maxpackets 60.

Even with ISDN its possible to use vent and this netsettings!
but i have a pc and i dont understand why it changed
40maxpackets isnt a prob for everyone but 60 get problems for many people
nope, you are wrong

from 100 people, 1 has a proveable problem with it but not thinking of changing it. When ISDN people can play with it, DSL light is also possible, you just ignore what ive said.
so i changed my settings now i have a good ping but now i lag for the enemy but THIS is NOT my problem
no you dont lag for the enemy...

may u can write down your settings?
cute o/
du wirst doch bestimmt bei dem 3o3 ESL war von eurem mutlihs vs uns mitspielen oder ? =)
nö :<
set r_depthbits 16 // CVAR_IN violation - [16] should be IN [24 32]

wtf ?