Born dead, buried alive... (16504 Views)
written by
on 06.12.06 20:50

...the resurrection of VAE
Today is the day.
Vicious and Evil is proud to announce their new ET Team and Webpage.
Long time ago our first ET Team with

So we are proud now to announce the new area of Vicious and Evil, with 3 Squads in 3 different games. Only our new ET team might be interesting for you, thatâs why I keep it short and will announce the former

The history of Knö I horn is a long one but smutzig tries to tell you the main facts about the Team.

KiH all began back in the days of Rocket Arena 2 when fette and westi started up KiH for the first time. After we got tired of Quake2 ra2 we started playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein, a game unfamilar to us, first being at the bottom of the scene we made to the top tier in no time. We've been kinda on/off for the last year trudging about in the et swamp.
After they made the 2. Place at the RTCW Eurocup X and the 1. Place at Warleagues they had some achievements at minor RTCW tournaments. Their latest success is the 3. Place at the Quakecon 2006 ET Tournament. Their first main goal is to attend and be successful at the upcoming Crossfire LAN #2.

The second ET Team is the old silentium Team who are playing in the 2nd divison of the Clanbase Opencup. Their lineup can be found here.
Currently we are looking for a new CoD 2 Team and a Quake 4 Team, since our old Quake 4 TDM Team is playing Warcraft 3.Dota now. Newsposter and tons of beer are welcome aswell.
#fac.vae @ Quakenet
Thanks for your attention.

Gl guys! :-)
wow. old-school is back. gl.
God has spoken.:
hey! that's my sentence you filthy little...
...son of a ...
GL hope you'll be on the top! :D
gl :)
oh yes, good luck! :o)
arnje You must be pro !
ofc hes pro, he's @rn3
uueee FeTTe gllll
GL :)
Dunno anyone in that line-up, but goodluck!
then your probably stupid :P
He's just not oldschool :(
I'm not oldskool :( and probably stupid aswell xD
bet he knows the difference between 'your' and 'you're' though ... now who's stupid ?
nice guys. gl
go us!
En nordmann? =D
Stemmer det! ;)
congrats kill
Good Luck
Good Luck
gl hf guys
miTTi pls in the first team noobs...
GL Claw :>
Nice to see some oldschooler´s back in town ;) Hope u guys stay a little while :)
Nice to see some oldschooler´s back in town ;) Hope u guys stay a little while :)