Born dead, buried alive... (16504 Views)

written by de swine on 06.12.06 20:50


Gl guys! :-)
wow. old-school is back. gl.
GL hope you'll be on the top! :D
gl :)
oh yes, good luck! :o)
arnje You must be pro !
ofc hes pro, he's @rn3

uueee FeTTe gllll
GL :)
Dunno anyone in that line-up, but goodluck!
then your probably stupid :P
He's just not oldschool :(
I'm not oldskool :( and probably stupid aswell xD
bet he knows the difference between 'your' and 'you're' though ... now who's stupid ?
nice guys. gl
go us!
En nordmann? =D
congrats kill
Good Luck
gl hf guys
miTTi pls in the first team noobs...
GL Claw :>

Nice to see some oldschooler´s back in town ;) Hope u guys stay a little while :)