Upcoming EuroCup matches! (15863 Views)

In this years EuroCup, we've seen some thrilling matches in all the groups.
But, there still are some upcoming matches. Check it out!
Sunday 17 December
In Group A,

"mize: I think mQ will crush uQ like a cooky np4us. did i write 'cooky' right? cookie or something"
GamesTV - uQ - mQ
In group B, the belgians, vib, will face the always strong aMenti. Is vib able to save their reputation against aMenti? Check it out at 20:30h! GamesTV - vib - aMenti
Monday 18 December
On Monday 18 December, We'll see a close match in Group B. The surprising team


''cdap|toxic: Well i think it will be a very close game. aMenti had roster probs begginning of EC and we've had activity probs during it. If they beat vib [which is expected] they will qualify for sure and would only need to take a map from us to qualify as first. But im still positive that we have what it takes to pick up the victory and advance to the playoffs, dont wanna say a score [im a supersticious guy :P] but hopefully we'll win =)''
GamesTV - cdap - aMenti
Back to the most surprising group of all groups; Group A. On 18 December at 22:00h the

Thursday 21 December
This day will have the last chance for

"zP|gifty: NETR are surely one of the best teams around in that EuroCup, but since I know what we can do, I suppose we got good chances to win that tight match :)" Will they succeed?
Check it out Thursday at 21:00h!
GamesTV - zP! - NETR
So, some exciting matches are upcoming. Be sure to check them on ETTV and ofcourse don't forget to place your bets on GamesTV!
See you in EuroCup-World!!

thought mize quit ;)
Considering the text you can make up that mize plays for mQ.
doubt it
they must be very stupid to play with him
i think he is not banned yet @ clanbase
but they want to ban him (not banned but busted since 2 months ??? hi cb)
so they would lose by forfeit =O
just wondering about him still being active @ non-officials :P
cant be any fun to be banned from leagues
they must be very stupid to play with him
i think he is not banned yet @ clanbase
but they want to ban him (not banned but busted since 2 months ??? hi cb)
so they would lose by forfeit =O
just wondering about him still being active @ non-officials :P
cant be any fun to be banned from leagues
inscr is cb admin..
np 4 his wallhack
He is, however, banned...
well did he just post that NETRUNNERS vs zP! is on Thursday 21 /12 AND 18 / 12
No, he said that zP would have a chance of getting #1 place on 21/12 IF they'd won vs NETR on 18/12.
Thanks. :)
@DaRKMinD, maybe don't use your flute at ts, might decrease your reading abilities! xD
@DaRKMinD, maybe don't use your flute at ts, might decrease your reading abilities! xD
ssssh :(
On 18 December at 22:00h the NETRUNNERS will face zP! in a match considering the first place of the group.
Check it out Thursday at 21:00h!
GamesTV - zP! - NETR
ON 18/12 ! and at Thursday imHo
On 18 December at 22:00h the NETRUNNERS will face zP! in a match considering the first place of the group.
Check it out Thursday at 21:00h!
GamesTV - zP! - NETR
ON 18/12 ! and at Thursday imHo
we are surprising