Upcoming EuroCup matches! (15863 Views)

written by on 16.12.06 13:33


thought mize quit ;)
Considering the text you can make up that mize plays for mQ.
doubt it
they must be very stupid to play with him
i think he is not banned yet @ clanbase
but they want to ban him (not banned but busted since 2 months ??? hi cb)
so they would lose by forfeit =O
just wondering about him still being active @ non-officials :P
cant be any fun to be banned from leagues
He is, however, banned...
well did he just post that NETRUNNERS vs zP! is on Thursday 21 /12 AND 18 / 12
No, he said that zP would have a chance of getting #1 place on 21/12 IF they'd won vs NETR on 18/12.
Thanks. :)

@DaRKMinD, maybe don't use your flute at ts, might decrease your reading abilities! xD
ssssh :(

On 18 December at 22:00h the NETRUNNERS will face zP! in a match considering the first place of the group.

Check it out Thursday at 21:00h!
GamesTV - zP! - NETR

ON 18/12 ! and at Thursday imHo
we are surprising