International Night Mixes (5093 Views)

It is 02:00 am in the middle of the night, all your mates already fell asleep, and you're all alone staring at your desktop waiting for the sun to show up so you can finally go to sleep, too?
Well, as we felt the same, we decided to found
for all people who like to play from dusk till dawn. At the beginning we were just 5 bored people, in the meanwhile we grew up to about 80 users. Just let me add that everyone is welcome. It doesn't matter wether you consider yourself high-, med- or lowskilled; it's all about having fun together in the moonlight (at least you should know the maps and that there exists something called "teamplay").
We offer you a Teamspeak2 as well as a Ventrilo server for public use, ip's and passwords can be found on IRC; just type !info, !mix, !servers, !wanted or !HELP and you will receive any pieces of information you'll need.
Our aim is not to make the channel become bigger but to make nighttime players know that a place like this exists; so it's fine if you just join us when looking for a game as we don't need idlers but players. In the end we hope to make it possible to play 3 or 4 mixes at the same time.
Last thingy: As this channel is meant for an international purpose we must ask you to speak and write English if all possible! Oh, and please "Behave!"
Thanks for your attention
your #international-night-mixes team


sabro & hybrid <3
is ultra low skilled also allowed? :)
Thts a gr8 idea!!
Hope it all goes well! GL&HF!!! :D
Hope it all goes well! GL&HF!!! :D
bigger banner plz :O lol
nice idea anyway :)
nice idea anyway :)
resize banner
The idea was stolen from #russian-night-mixes tbh.. ask sabrOo.. =)
#russian-night-mixes exists since early summer 2006..=)
#russian-night-mixes exists since early summer 2006..=)
we exist since October afaik.
Btw. - how come do you call it "stolen", if sabrOo is one of our admins? She's got full rights to do it :)
we exist since October afaik.
Btw. - how come do you call it "stolen", if sabrOo is one of our admins? She's got full rights to do it :)
Rights belong to me and rivz and ONLY to us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
ps: calm down.. just kiddin'..;)
ps: calm down.. just kiddin'..;)
iNm for the win =D
PS. skipp3r is gay ;)
PS. skipp3r is gay ;)
eQ :) true #iNm for the win !! And YES !! kipp3r is a GAY !! :D
the link doesn't work... :(
[@|4FuN|Smoke] skipper is a GAY [@skipper] no, smoke is a GAY [+aClmx`eQ] you both are and im yours biatch !
skipper, pwnage :D
nice idea
you guys should get some sleep. ^^
what time is it...if im in méxico?
well probably nearly mine time, im playing 6.30pm till 12 maybe 1 am :) so in europe its something between midnight and 6 am :)
well...lets see :)
g00d idea :>
yeah good idea, just stolen from #russian-night-mixes -_-
and could other nationalities play in this russian_night_mixes?
they can write "#russian-night-mixes inspirated us 2 make #international-night-mixes ..." or "on based idea of night-mix-playing, we decidet to make #international-night-mixes" or whatever, bcoz this idea is 90% stolen ...
you didnt answer to my question :)
sure they could :-|
those not speaking russian too? i mean if yes, then i agree with you
Why are some guys whining about this 'stolen from #russian-night-mixes'
You should be glad that this idea has catched on beyond just Russia and has become international!
Nothing has been 'stolen' imo, it has just been introduced to a larger community :)
You should be glad that this idea has catched on beyond just Russia and has become international!
Nothing has been 'stolen' imo, it has just been introduced to a larger community :)
lol this idea stolen from! :D
Unated Russian Players ftw! :D
Unated Russian Players ftw! :D
interesting, i have always played better at night, than 20-24 CET
are u retared or just can't read?
SabrOo is one of #russian-night-mixes founders and she's got full rights to create INM.
Why the hell do you whine? The idea is not stolen.
are u retared or just can't read?

Why the hell do you whine? The idea is not stolen.
founder? since when? shes just a idler there...
alright, do what u want, I will dont care anymore
alright, do what u want, I will dont care anymore
she isn't founder..) but nevermind..
SabrOo is just a whinor, who thinks she is a GOD OF HUMANITY ...
such a stupid naivity
such a stupid naivity
One should make <3 & mostly , sleep at night.
Long -lasting Playing at night r harmful 4 your health
ET in the evenings- ftw :)
Long -lasting Playing at night r harmful 4 your health
ET in the evenings- ftw :)
The idea is stolen from #pleban-night-mixes for sure.
skipp3r & smoke - you ugly thieves!! :D
skipp3r & smoke - you ugly thieves!! :D