International Night Mixes (5093 Views)

written by on 18.12.06 17:14


sabro & hybrid <3
is ultra low skilled also allowed? :)
Thts a gr8 idea!!
Hope it all goes well! GL&HF!!! :D
bigger banner plz :O lol
nice idea anyway :)
resize banner
The idea was stolen from #russian-night-mixes tbh.. ask sabrOo.. =)
#russian-night-mixes exists since early summer 2006..=)
we exist since October afaik.

Btw. - how come do you call it "stolen", if sabrOo is one of our admins? She's got full rights to do it :)
Rights belong to me and rivz and ONLY to us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)

ps: calm down.. just kiddin'..;)
iNm for the win =D

PS. skipp3r is gay ;)
eQ :) true #iNm for the win !! And YES !! kipp3r is a GAY !! :D
the link doesn't work... :(
[@|4FuN|Smoke] skipper is a GAY [@skipper] no, smoke is a GAY [+aClmx`eQ] you both are and im yours biatch !
nice idea
you guys should get some sleep. ^^
what time is it...if im in méxico?
well probably nearly mine time, im playing 6.30pm till 12 maybe 1 am :) so in europe its something between midnight and 6 am :)
well...lets see :)
g00d idea :>
yeah good idea, just stolen from #russian-night-mixes -_-
and could other nationalities play in this russian_night_mixes?
they can write "#russian-night-mixes inspirated us 2 make #international-night-mixes ..." or "on based idea of night-mix-playing, we decidet to make #international-night-mixes" or whatever, bcoz this idea is 90% stolen ...
you didnt answer to my question :)
sure they could :-|
those not speaking russian too? i mean if yes, then i agree with you
Why are some guys whining about this 'stolen from #russian-night-mixes'
You should be glad that this idea has catched on beyond just Russia and has become international!

Nothing has been 'stolen' imo, it has just been introduced to a larger community :)
lol this idea stolen from! :D
Unated Russian Players ftw! :D
interesting, i have always played better at night, than 20-24 CET

are u retared or just can't read?

ru SabrOo is one of #russian-night-mixes founders and she's got full rights to create INM.

Why the hell do you whine? The idea is not stolen.
founder? since when? shes just a idler there...

alright, do what u want, I will dont care anymore
she isn't founder..) but nevermind..
SabrOo is just a whinor, who thinks she is a GOD OF HUMANITY ...

such a stupid naivity
One should make <3 & mostly , sleep at night.

Long -lasting Playing at night r harmful 4 your health
ET in the evenings- ftw :)
The idea is stolen from #pleban-night-mixes for sure.
skipp3r & smoke - you ugly thieves!! :D