Sottevast_b3 released! (23611 Views)

written by nl stewie on 23.12.06 13:50


gg go homehost !
just thought id let ppl know iv added sottevast_b3 to my server, server ip is=
enjoy :) admin english
Dersaidin ftw :)
go stewie..
I even like this map! :D
waiting for sottevast_b7c!
Nice map... the 2nd stage looks quite good (rocket stage)... the first... god knows:) Anyway crevasse > sottevast.
ok lets ask God about the 1st stage.
Ye, he's just told me that the 1st stage is OK but that it would need a showmatch.
the problem is that it... already had 3 matches in showcup :-)
b2 did :)
but 1st stage didnt change, as i remmeber when i was checking b3 version?
It did, the team door near the main entrance was removed. In B2 the major attacking stratergy was to covert in through there.

Also, the wall near the flag was opened, so tunnels are a major attack route.

Finally the side door thingo was removed, it cant be dynomighted, only opened from the inside.