Announcing Impact Gaming (16223 Views)
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on 22.01.07 21:42
Today a lineup of immense potential has been formed with the goal to challenge for any and all competitions out there in ET. Founded by former sFx manager eVo the side is to be the groundwork for a new hosting company and multigaming organisation.
The lineup of Impact Gaming is as follows:

eVo states that this team will be attending the Crossfire Prizefight Lan in April and from there on will work for next seasons Eurocup (ESL IPS' if it happens). As you can see by the achievements of this team they are a bunch of players that if they can find the right blend of teamplay, firepower they will be the squad to look out for in the months ahead. The potential is there as long as they can stay away from WoW and in the case of Xpaz online poker .

TEKOA <3333
Tiigeri - Ex sFx.LAN, Demiurge / CPC1 Finalist
Raveneye - Ex Parodia, KKP/ EC Winner
Xpaz - Ex Parodia, EC Winner
teKoa - Ex / EC Winner / CPC Winner
Xionn - Ex Demiurge, sFx.Lan / CPC1 Finalist
Mztik - Ex 141 / Summercup winner
ownd :o
Raveneye - Ex Parodia, KKP/ EC Winner
Xpaz - Ex Parodia, EC Winner
teKoa - Ex / EC Winner / CPC Winner
Xionn - Ex Demiurge, sFx.Lan / CPC1 Finalist
Mztik - Ex 141 / Summercup winner
ownd :o
!: ()
We also felt that the average skill level in ET was too low therefore it would be necessary to raise that bar up
ja gratz
De Belg van de dag award dubbel en dwars V!erdient
Very impressive job evo, nice going :)
Why did teKoa leave the best clan ever to go in another random "2 weeks and a half" clan ? I cant understand that guy :o
they are only the best clan until someone dethrones them
u cant be serios with calling this clan a random clan. since there are players like raveneye xpaz mztik xionn and tiigeri. imo they all showed alot of skill in the past and they can achiev much if they train enough.
monkeys have just showed us that names mean as much as bets on gtv.
Yeah sure, and perhaps A-Monkeys wasnt a random team ?
Were they a random team? They weren't as good as we thought they'll be, but u can't call them a random clan :/
not random just some players with bad attitude but naturally from the outside you know the inner workings of the team and the reason it didn't sustain.... get a clue and dont call this a 2 week clan ... if it were a 2 week clan would we already have spent over 1500euros on server hardware alone... plz -,-
Yes, IF they train enough.
if I were as good as tekoa I'd never play for a team like fucking idle.
I dont agree... I dunno what were his motivations to change his team but not every highskilled player can fit in Idle, and teKoa did in my opinion.
no you dont know his motivations ... in fact you dont know a lot
yeah teKoa fucked up, but this lineup smells like "high dmg". GL and dont disband xD
just curious, but will raveneye be the rifle or tiigeri?
tiigeri @ smg :-)
tiigeri @ smg :-)
I care you stupid faker! They are both good riflers and somebody has to take the smg now. But eh, you won't understand it, because you are so lowskilled...
as an option ,
Raveneye can play with rifle on mondays ,wed ,fri ,sun
& -tiigeri - other days of teh week ;>
Raveneye can play with rifle on mondays ,wed ,fri ,sun
& -tiigeri - other days of teh week ;>
look at idle, revers and night can play rifle. same goes with holz and night.
its all about tax: they can swap in any moment of the game right?
its all about tax: they can swap in any moment of the game right?
This could be a good clan if it lasts longer than aMonkeys..
so the waiting for idle vs impact beginz
GL tekoa <3 :D
mystic should be in the line up along with tekoa omg would be ownage , call him ps thx ;)
this is the new pwn team
woo nice lineup guys gl & hf
argh, n1 team :D tiigeri <3
v strong team
Good luck
Good luck
Raveneye !
Theres already a fairly successful team/multi-gaming organisation
thats fascinating
gl teKoa <3
teKoa <3..this team, like people said train - they will own.
ravis \o/
Xionn RTCW pwnerer
anyone still heard something from these guys?