Benelux Cup 3, the invites! (18512 Views)

written by on 04.02.07 16:30


3 decent teams
and those are, aegrus czar pillars?
We've done that because we'd like to keep it a real fight between the big and the smaller/unknown clans in the benelux.
fair enough, no artifical or gAim though ?
Why should they invite a team that lost all their matches in League 4 @ Clanbase OC?

And afaik artificial is dead.
didnt even realise gAim played in oc this season.
I would link you, but clanbase page goes to slow atm.
lol 3 losses :D owned
We didnt. We played one match with totally no tactics and besides that, none of us really liked ET, so they started with WoW again.

Let's just say we like rtcw more.
According to clanbase you lost all the games you played. Just saying what I read.
could be, but the team it self is pretty worthless in ET. In RtCW they used to be pretty good, but the most of them never played ET before this OC.. [:

But I thought we gave 2 forfeits or something, can't be bothered with some OC newb cup..
newb cup, gg arrogance.
Yup, can't change my opinion
why you let cheaters play??
where:O/ i dont see neg.img
Unplugged <3
no nl artificial? :(
Je kunt er altijd nog op voten als ze zich inschrijven ;)
aeqrus leol
gl unplugged
aegrus :D ?
we miss nl Routiniers
Routiniers added after premier league extending.
take #euclan!!!
GL AntiClimax
aegrus will win , easy victory
Go Unplugged :)
goooooooooooo gooooooooooooo aClmx goooooooooooo Influx! ftw!!!!
gl dtk
cZar ftw
My Benelux team ftw.
fix the tag pls