Base12 special Event! (15010 Views)

written by de SPU9 on 13.02.07 22:10


ye xC
huge map kind bad nothing special
map is far from huge, even smaller than sw_gold, radar & oasis...
nice joke

Just go through it, you got wide open spaces, agree, but the objectives are close to one another and it's rly not big...
oh yes they are very cloe to each other, but only if i had noclip. still: the way from each one to another goes around and that makes map big. like obj is on the other side of the wall but you have to go kilometer to get there around
are you using 800*600?

but i changed it...
hi ng :D
i like the map !
a summer map Hwoo hooo. Me likes <3
I play this map .... its old map and is boooooring ....
I played this map, too and im amazed about it! It's a great map . imo
imo best public map ever but not for competitions...
I like that base map but bleh to frost final cause the beginning is so bright and yes I know you can adjust that in console or cfg but still bleh to frost final
what means bleh?
Go Estonian mapmakers!

What? This map is made in Estonia...
And Ive even found a walljump in this map.. <.<
Though with NoFatigue. .avi.html
Yeh I suck making movies, but its proof that I did the jump.
Its actually easy with NoFatigue, im sure i can be done without, but I never tried.
Dident watch ur demo, but you can jump from the "ice" slide near to flag wall and get the flag very quickly;)
From your discription, its what I did to.
Though I did it they day I read about this map :PP

But I havent done it without Nofatigue, as im no TJer, so Im not skilled enough for that :)
I did it last year with normal settings :P
lawl :D
i rly like my 30 fps on it^^
buy better pc!

<- average system=120 fps...
give me money and ill buy