ET-Cup #23 - 1-Day-Cup - 3on3 (39923 Views)

written by nl NxM on 27.02.07 08:30


1rd !!

no railgun in mappool ?!
no supply in final =(
Supply out from Final imo. TC_Base ftw!! :D
stop posting fucking up images
not that the banner is bad, it rocks, but ffs, get resize skill for your own best ...
first of all cb 6v6 cfg in a 3v3 ? GG !
fits perfectly!
THE HELL IT DOES, maybe on your screen, but I don't like scrolling sideways, so just make it a bit smaller, 100 pixels decrease in width would certainly do, it'll still be big enough like that.
i know what you mean.
does only fit on 1280+.
Ah, thanks for noticing and resizing :D
is this cuo ettv game, i mean can i wacth cuo
what is ip adress, if possiple know:)?
i ment what is server ip adress where this cup play:D my mistake
nice work NxM
nice cup virtu ftw ;)
Ah 3v3<3 Maybe I should signup.
I think its great cup coming, like always.
yeah nice xP
pff nAsBs DERSO own you ALL 1 by 1 !!! pffDERSO#1