Benelux Cup groups announced (10990 Views)

written by nl TrgT on 06.03.07 08:01


KKC should be in the premier division imo. Put 'em in group B!
gl idem
benelux cup and a fin-team named redsky?
n1 finnish clan and why doesnt have they in second league more prices :<
FiF earns it ;)
gl influx
hyperion ftw <3
cZar imo
FiF imo :D
Clan.Redsky = finnish ? Playing in a benelux cup ?
Clan.Redsky = Finnish multigaming clan, with benelux players. watch first cb to post OMG finnish clan... plz..
idd i thoughed the same <3
GL eXposed Gaming:D
Hihi eXposed FTW :) (im eXposed.. <- eXpsd clansite :D)
GL Mush ydNAR Amaz0n ftw <o/ eXposed

EDIT: Kraatje, jij ook natuurlijk :D
RH ftw!!!!
izie for cZar
<o/ eXposed <o/ ,, Woo!
Go art \o/
gl #xil-gaming
gl Unplugged imo :O
gl inFlux! cmon rich
Exposed ftw ( eXpsd^DiZoR)
GL all!!!

Laten we er een leuke cup van maken!!
w00t eXpsd have 7ele now if im right:P so they gonna win:P:D
[lol 7ele FTW:P]