Sunday means real money! (8934 Views)

written by nl xRio on 24.03.07 14:17


OGC provided us with food, drinks, and some beer money at SHGopen
wow a whole 100 euro
Altough they didn't play eachother at the PGA

Are you kidding me ?!
woopz mistake, sorry, i only searched the results of the final rounds :( d=18978
I lol'd kinda :P watch out guys!
seems nice =)
lol when dignitas wants to play nobody dares to take the challenge, expect Impact when they're good enough
Nice game though
OGC seams to be a rly cool thing, hope it gets big in ET. In the future maybe MGC can pay like 50 euro for there ET team to play a nother MGC so total 100 euro. It brings some more intresst in ET. Just ban dignitas from this shit :P
sounds cool, not for the mony or anything, just the idea :)