perfo banned (48457 Views)

written by on 09.06.07 16:36


:) i have spec perfo in the war againts portugal :)

nice one :) so was your brother? :<<<

Portugal ftw :)

ps: first !!!!
like he ever cheated in a competition game... go get a life, he wasn't cheating versus Portugal, actually why would that ever have been necessary? Ur talking about Portugal, not Finland...
Lol ... maybe perfo > you .. noobs plz get a life retard
ban perfo for life this fucken cheater.

and he have cheating for sure in clanwar too there is no doubt.
yeah mister sherlock
cheater posting cheater news
ban Zire
cb sux
cb sux
perfo who?
Fuck it.

Are you proud to have banned him so fast while Keran was allowed to play vs Dignitas, nearly a month after request?

It's unfair i say
agree, those yermans could play another 3 matches and perfo can't even play the finals..
omfg this can't be true :( Shame on you perfoboy.
btw: fuck adacore, he can be so proud to ban him so fast while keran was allowed to play versus dignitas. Nice following your own rulez and congrats for being so consequent with all the players!

perfo 4ever <3 Hope to see you back in 6 months
good decision.. though perfo wasn't processed to fast... keran was just to slow
I fully agree, but this lack of consequency makes it feel pretty unfair
keran was just lucky that CB was sleeping and perfo unlucky that CB finally woke up after 10 years
idd cb sucks!
Nice omitting that you copied this whole news post from (!
most ppl do it -,-
At least specify that you did it. You are stealing the work of someone who actually put precious moments of his time into writing this, and you do not even credit him the slightest.

And "most ppl do it -,-" is hardly a valid excuse. By that logic, if you ever found yourself in the middle of a mass suicide, you would also just join in, because "most ppl (around you) do it". Sure, it's an extreme incident, but it highlights an error that is a consequence of your argument. Secondly, by your logic, one could completely disclaim responsibility for countless abominable offences (e.g. the Nazis' holocaust during WWII).
A SOURCE is the place you get the information you base your article on. You cite the source in order to show the reader that you aren't just making the article up.
If you compare the post on ClanBase and the post on you will see that they are completely different. The first one is a statement, the other one a news post.

So, I don't know what your point is by copying that line. It has NOTHING to do with the issue we are discussing.

Just specify that you copied this post from You did NOT write this, yet you make it seem as if you did. You have stolen the work of somebody else and practically claimed it for your own.

EDIT: Thank you, Zire :)
Oh plz, p3rf0r4t0r : D

Like he needs to play with cheats in competitions, his story is more stronger, than: "I was testing hax". It was his brother that declares alot.
lol i think you guys needit to ban him after the world cup matches and after the grand final. that would have been more fair ;)!
letz start to play ESL
Team Netherlands also got disqualiified from Nations Cup.. and Team Portugal got back to Winners Bracket and it's going to play against Norway.

it wasn't disqualified.

they decided to leave NC
they are removed from the cup
gg cb.
gj cb all cheaters either on public or official matches must be banned
well done CB, finally it's going a bit faster :>
welke van de 3 was het perfo?:P
4, wouter :p
oja 2 oudere 2 jongere xD
wel kut voor je
should've blamed his dog or cat tbh
perfo was gr8
he didnt need to cheat dont know why he done it =/
deed je tuinkabouter het?
Ga zo door met die nutteloze comments en je kan dalijk niks meer posten
yea ! tell him!
ze moeten jou echt polio en tering geven
zou ik blij zijn
teringnicht nu mag ik proxys gaan gebruiken
waner komt jouw ban?
hax = hax :<

NP: Metallica - Sad But True

Gl in rl perfo<3
haxxOr is haxxOR. it is true that the ban against shy and keran was too late and 6 months is to short. cheaters should be banned 4 ever not only 6 months because this is unfair against other players who plays without cheats
true true
you are sooooooooooooo right
ja he
hij is al deactivated dus np
poor pb family cant make a program to stop cheaters,shame...
why dont u make one yourself, mister coolname
coolname? hm this is my nick for over 1.5 year so if impact.clan is same name its not my foult,and i care! for nolifers like u maybe its umiliating :( why i dont make my self one? because im not a programer or a geeker who lives only for ppl calling cheaters and trying to be cool over the internet like U.I just told what its true,if there are programers who did a special school for this,they need to do something,because cheats are day by day more rare in this game and cb admins can made mistakes and ban people who dont
In my eyes it seems u are new to ET it was release May 29, 2003(wiki). You seriously dont think they allready should have a program made "a program to stop cheaters".
We got PB and it stops newbi cheaters cuz PB can only ban/kick people with detect allready knowed cheats like public cheats. And one thing to smartguy those who make the cheats are also programers. So shame on your low IQ...
h3ll prolly banned me for this topic :x
if i were perfo, i would kill my brother xD
hi martyn .. my rabbit ones eated my shoe :<
this really is a decision made by opportunety. if he cheated in an official or even prac then the removal of team Holland would be justified. now its obviously a decision made by an admin with his own strategy.
h4x < Skill
CB: n1 for banning that cheater, public or not cheats are for lames. And nice of you to screw up the whole thing with keran, but what was done cannot be undone so if things will be better now that is great.
lollollollolol a hacker posting news about a hacker who get banned

there are pbss of zire with WH :D
"#Global-Zire: plz man niet doen
#Global-Zire: plz man
#Global-Zire: spaar me plz
#Global-Zire: tri PLEASE NIET
#Global-Zire: kheb al klote reputatie"
Waneer krijgt hij zijn BAN dan?
denk nooit want ik heb geen server logs meer van toen, en wist toen neit dat ik perse IP moest hebben.

want zonder IP match kunnen ze niet bannen
IP van de gameserver?
die server is down volgens mij maar je kan checke:
comment #69

discussion over imo =)
Clownbase is a cocking joke tbh ...

"the results of junk52 Theatre in the cup will stand" rofl, the result stands even though a *caught* cheater played.

"Perfo has now been suspended from all ClanBase competition for 6 months."

Should be a lifetime ban like War Leagues uses not a friggin slap on the wrist.

Zero tollerance FTW.

Clownbase, its about time you woke up.
Noooob !!!!!
stupid ban!
i hv shame of my country and my national team..poor haxors wnb´s of perfo nvm