ET-Cup Gives Away Open Beta Keys (84223 Views)
written by SPU9 on 25.06.07 07:34
Hi people, with the Open Beta released we have some keys to give away.
We thought long and hard about how we should go about distributing our keys and our conclusion was:
1x key for telling us why you think YOU should get one by sending a message to spu9[at]
2x keys to the two best ET-Cup clips (atleast 3 minutes long, frags from our demobase or recent ET-Cup ETTv Matches + #ET-Cup and text in it - upload the clip and send me the link)
Competition ends on Tuesday, 26th June 18.00 CET
The ET-Cup Crew will decide the winners.
Next to that we will give 2 keys to people hanging on our IRC channel
so find a front row spot there also ( #ET-Cup today ~19.00CET).
Special thanks goes to Zodiac who provided us 3 keys ;)
We thought long and hard about how we should go about distributing our keys and our conclusion was:
1x key for telling us why you think YOU should get one by sending a message to spu9[at]
2x keys to the two best ET-Cup clips (atleast 3 minutes long, frags from our demobase or recent ET-Cup ETTv Matches + #ET-Cup and text in it - upload the clip and send me the link)
Competition ends on Tuesday, 26th June 18.00 CET
The ET-Cup Crew will decide the winners.
Next to that we will give 2 keys to people hanging on our IRC channel
so find a front row spot there also ( #ET-Cup today ~19.00CET).
Special thanks goes to Zodiac who provided us 3 keys ;)
Monday, 25th June 2007 23:55
rofl, make fileplanet acc, gimmy your info's and i'll give you a key, dont see the point organising a comp while keys are free to get...
you cant get any more kes - fileplanet betastuff closed... ant there are a lot of people who were not online to the free filplanet betakey time..already got 25 emails and 1 clip...
The guy who gave that keys have to be a nice guy tbh
true :"DDDDD
zodiac :D whats up? :)
fine, thanks :]
who are you btw? =D
who are you btw? =D
not now me ... i am ur sex partner toxic xD
ahh =)))
hey m8 :D
hey m8 :D
hi zodiac how are u