#Global][Gaming 6vs6 cup on Thursday 2 august (6843 Views)
written by xArQi on 30.07.07 18:44
Global][Gaming 6vs6 cup #4 "Thursday 2 august"
Irc chan : #Global][Gaming @ Qnet
Sign up @ cupsite: http://xarqi.finduilascreations.be/cup/
- Global][xarQi (email: xarqi16@yahoo.com )
- Global][musashi
- Global][rose
- ^Snake
Rounds :
round 1 supply @ 13:30 CET
round 2 braundorf_b4 @ 14:15 CET
round 3 radar @ 15:00 CET
round 4 bremen_b1 @ 15:45 CET
Finale ettv
No cheatz0rs : cb/esl banlist
No bug use
side allowed on all maps
Record demoS!
Brackets will be up when all 32 teams are signd up
Clan website : http://www.globalowners.net
site was down plz teams re sign up!
Monday, 30th July 2007 18:59
more more =0
Veel Succes xarQi <3
omg this is no spam how schould i get 32 teams...
I give ET some action imho
I give ET some action imho
journal @ xfire will do his job :)
yea, flame
you will get flamed anywere in the ET community (and no, it has nothing to do with your nick)
site was down plz teams re sign up!
No cheatz0rs
Posted by xArQi
Posted by xArQi
i cheat ? i'm low- skill ' cool '
is not meh
so, its your brother, momma ? pls
its his bro
if you dont want to believe it stop discussing
if you dont want to believe it stop discussing
waiting for perfo's comment...
and ofcourse he should be banned.. we didn't believe perfo too so don't believe xarQi either
and ofcourse he should be banned.. we didn't believe perfo too so don't believe xarQi either
So its your nick, your guids, your IP but its not you ? :D
it isnt his nick
Quads aka bl0wn is his brother
Quads aka bl0wn is his brother
lol its not even my ip
And what about xArQi, xARQItje, raiZedFxArQi, ... not his nicks either ? Pls stop defending someone when u have nothing to say :o
you dont know the yawn effect?
if you cheat once on a pb guid
the errors will be showed until you get a new pb guid
if you cheat once on a pb guid
the errors will be showed until you get a new pb guid
so he did cheat / had cheats. Give us some proofs that he didn't use 'em in some wars or something then. And he inherited his bro's email too I guess? Serious... he is a cheater. It's not his bro or whatever and that's kinda the most common excuse everyone uses so stfu rose and stop defending him because he simply is a cheater.
same email?
didn't know that yet? I've been in his old clan (supposingly his bro's clan) and had him on msn etc. Suddenly he quits ET and 2 months later he returns to ET with the name xarQi (don't know dates exactly though). So I thought, hmm ok whatever untill I saw his former name got busted and understood the whole process why he quited and came back ;-)
who the fuck or u let me ask my bro ok but what name did u have with my bro's clan
You should know my name when I say thunder. It was in the beginning of the whole clan when he/you was/were "noob" and suddenly became good...
hahahha :XD