theSGL CSS - Insignia Cadre vs Infused Gaming (4970 Views)
written by Hoodini on 05.09.07 03:04
What may appear at first to be an evenly skilled affair does not stand up to too much scrutiny before the truth behind the stats is revealed. The Infused stats are bolstered heavily by Jamors single match played in the tournament thus far yielding a massive points tally whilst more regular players who are almost certain to take part in the match this evening have stats that don't make it onto this scoreboard, in all honesty you could knock three or four hundred off the average if you entered the stats of their more regular five starting players.
The match will take place today @ 21:00 CEST and broadcasted by Hoodini & Deman on: TV 1!
Overall Insignia Cadre will be favoured to take this tie but when you see the sheer doggedness of the Infused team and lets not forget the skill that's required to match three of the better CSS teams on the scene there may be a lot more to this match than immediately meets the eye.
As people are fond of saying "that doesn't prove anything" and you know what ? - it doesn't mean anything when teh knife round is called and the lo3 sets this tie in motion. Anything can happen and more than likely will do. For their part Insignia Cadre have maintained their five man roster and returned some good stats along the way. There won't be many expecting anything other than a win for the Finland machine here but it takes two to tango, it just remains to be seen if Infused know the steps.
For those of you who prefer to let others do the work while you follow the action and a laid back approach to your match coverage tune in to QuadV who will be presenting this tie live and exclusively with full commentary throughout this encounter.
In amongst the slew of defaults that blighted the Eastern Tier of the Invite, Insignia Cadre played their part in one of the classic matches seen at theSGL when they met se Team NoA in a bruising encounter which left each team with a what seemed like a poor return of a single point for such an entertaining match, frankly they deserved three points each. A loss against fi TeK-9 Networks LTD. looked like it was going to make things hard for the team to progress but the untimely demise of the TeK9 team turned things around as the result was stricken from the record. We set off with more Fins on display than at a Jaws convention but Insignia Cadre are the only ones left at this point and carry the flag into these latter stages.
Infused were thrown a beating by uk Four-Kings in their opening tie and were first locked down - then out as they lost without a round scored. Not a great start for sure but here they are in the Quarter finals so something must have clicked along the way. Three draws, first with de ALTERNATE aTTaX and then with hu ancients before ending the campaign with another 15-15 as they tied up hu Old Boys Inc (and they laughed when I called them "draw specialists") laid the foundations for qualification and when two teams donated some points by way of default they were on their way through.
Source -
Wednesday, 5th September 2007 18:44
1st :D , gl
IC ftw !
gl hoodiniman