#cfg.help - Support for your ET config (9006 Views)
written by gimp` on 06.09.07 01:42
It's time to announce my new project. Until now it's just a small channel in IRC with a little page. But I hope it will change with this newspost.
I've just opened a project to help everyone who needs support for his ET config. I build scripts for you, check your config for mistakes or improvements and I even create completly new configs. I've published some configs from other players on my website. If you want to publish your config too, just let me know it.
I am searching for 1-2 active IRC supporter which are good in ETcfg-scripting to help me supporting the guys in IRC. So I hope the "I" will be a "We" soon.
Check out my page. I'm happy about every new entrie in my guestbook and every visit in my IRC chan.
greetz gimp`
IRC: #cfg.help at Quakenet
Page: www.cfg-help.dl.am
Thursday, 6th September 2007 02:04
gl gimp :)
on this irc channel can u also help us to make like exemple a sprint toggle?
why not?
Too bad theres already www.etconfigs.net
Kinda puts this websites purpose down :)
Kinda puts this websites purpose down :)
as i know... etconfig.net does not support you via IRC ;)
thats my main work
thats my main work
Well If you are really good wit irc and such i would if you want your irc support channel can be added and i can also add your site on our config site to help support your :)
Hm, that's a cool idea.
msg me at qnet... let's talk about it -> gimp`
edit: As I see... You are from UK. That means you sleep when I am awake and I sleep when you are awake xD.
But you can write me a eMail: dominik [at] teamspeak3 [dot] info
msg me at qnet... let's talk about it -> gimp`
edit: As I see... You are from UK. That means you sleep when I am awake and I sleep when you are awake xD.
But you can write me a eMail: dominik [at] teamspeak3 [dot] info
someone of the etconfig help team is always spammin the URL in to the whole quakenet :<
then he got killed and iam happy :)
then he got killed and iam happy :)
cool that youve already noticed my friend and my channel befor xD
np, i dont like spam every our in #6on6.et...
gl gimp :D
btw, why didn't u tell the story of #cfg.help also? :XD
btw, why didn't u tell the story of #cfg.help also? :XD
he did are you stupid
he didnt tbh.
no i didn't xD
Actually i'm not from uk :) And i have weird hours i just picked uk flag cuz i'm cool like that :D
And at sweety you realize theres a post on that site that says the site is dead :\
And at sweety you realize theres a post on that site that says the site is dead :\
Sounds Good I will be asking for help tonight!!
old news :D
:o not rly xD
sounds cool
thank you
http://etcfg.revo-online.nl/ the site isnt dead
it works on my comp dunno what is wrong then XD:S
it works on my comp dunno what is wrong then XD:S
theres a post on that site that says the site is dead :\
Hahaha yah the very first news post says the end has come 0_o kinda gives it away :)
kr1z69 if u know nothing better stfU :D
gl gimp again ;)
gl gimp again ;)
yo ty xD
gl gimp . :D
yo ty Freeze
gl gimp!
thank you
yet another page with an incomplete cvar list with lots of ??? and sometimes pointless descriptions and no examples whatsoever. but maybe i am wrong and this attempt will be a success unlinke the other 39084 dead/incomplete et-cfg pages out there. :(
maybe, maybe not
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