New ETpro SW server online. (8469 Views)

written by de gimp` on 25.09.07 20:33


this is news?
yes, else it will stay empty for ever
great server ;)

ever played on it?

well ty man
I was on it, but it was empty by then...gonna check it again now :P
nice nice i come to play
i really think this isn't news. Do it in a blog or something but not as news...
who cares about that you have a new ET server?
If everybody would post here that they have a new server there would be every minute a new news... So it is not news imo.
not every server is like this server ;D
new news? =)
agree @ vincee
Thanks :)
man; normaly i don't put bad comments on this site but this is just stupid :O
No problem for me if u say that in a blog ! But not in the news hé..
imo nice news ! it's not matter. i like !
gl gimp mit unk im clan max 2 week :D
also sag ichs ma so...

raus will ich net unbeding aber es gibt da so ungefähr 1 person, ohne jetzt jemand direkt anzusprechen *hust*

die nervt mich ein wenig

wer ist das?
I think this aint news but still great to know ill definitly play there ;)
EDIT: Bad server get kicked by ref for callvote kick him because he was afk lol plzzz
first of all: he wasn't afk. Second of all: you tk'ed him 4 times. That kick was deserved

who kicked you? i was nearly the whole day on the serv didnmt recongnize it :D

well if you tell me the name i can talk with him if you want

i h8 admins which decide "to fast"
disagree you talking trash man he was standing there for like 5 min doing nothing and tk'd him for first time and then he was inmedietly back and kicked me.
agree with poephoofd ! server sucks imo.
Can admins delete this 'news' ?
I thought you never said bad comments :D:D
This isnt a bad comment, this is the truth;)
i said that i normaly never say bad comments but on this 'news' i say bad comments becouse this 'news' is so stupid.. I don't understand that admins let retardeds like gimp post 'news'..
don't force me to post Britney Spears news Vincee xD
Britney Spears news is better then this ! :)

I agree with Jsnji. But gimp; it's good for 1 time, the next time u will get punnisht :D
well ty for your chance ;)
NoProblem :D
well i didnt kick you it was uNk i dont know why he did it...

well im sry xD poephoofd

liked u :'(

edit: as im just a member of uNks squad which is managing the server i cant do anything :'(
u r right!

uNk's decision was wrong... but isnt that everytime the case?

edit: as im just a member of uNks squad which is managing the server i cant do anything :'(
this is blogish, not news :>
never heard blogish xD

hm maybe but thx anyways for that comment :D
you dont need to reply upon every comment here, you know =)
o rly?

;) it's just fun
poephoofd is just a dutch kid who likes getting all the attention, I've seen him on publics vote kicking many people and acting like a crybaby, kicking him was probaply the right thing, but still I agree with vincee, This shouldnt be a newpost, Imo they should enable news feature only for admins, Like Global][Gaming, spammed their cup few times using news, agree if its a one time post,but not 3times in a row,
I'm sure gimp will be just fine with his server and I think the server could become something when you get some nice people playing on it, not like poephoofd,
or any whining kids or older people who whine is possible as well

regards, jsnji
imo an admin has to confirm/accept the news befor its posted :D

thx anyawy
Ah ok gimp` sorry than, but my opinion wont change for poephoofd