In The Crossfire: The First Edition 10 / 07 (2855 Views)

written by de chosen_ on 04.11.07 23:46


Nice! 7 pages to read :o
tl;dr XD
ET will never die...last man standing...i dont care whether i am the only one on a server^^
So do I, and cups etc will be 4ever believe me if I will be alive! ;)
And again... pl delta didn't play at CPC 1, it wa be cZar.
Very especially enjoyed reading about the cheater scandals nice article
zero tolerance is the solution !

Just make a hardware ban a real hardware play the game u have to let a program detect the serial numbers on all ur hardware and then if u get caught for cheating ALL the hardware in ur PC will be banned for life and from ANY game that has an anti cheat program...the hardware will not be easy to sell to other gamers because of the ban and if u do sell it to other gamers u will get so unpopular that it will have IRL cons...yes ppl will slap ur face if ur acting that much as an idiot and selling them ur banned hardware...
The cons is that the cheater will have to buy a whole new PC and i think most will think again before cheating and thats what the gaming community needs...ppl who think before they act!

Just dont cheat...its that easy!
i lol'd too with ur response, nice way of thinkin though. Lets just follow their ip's and make a community to go beat the crap out of em :D