In with the new (4551 Views)
written by
on 03.12.07 23:16

As the TLR organisation moves forward we have to say goodbye to the old Enemy Territory team and bring in a new one. As some of Impact Gaming could not continue with actively playing, the remainders of the team have came over with a few others to compete under TLR.
Along with this we can introduce a new manager into TLR.

Here is a statement from TLR CEO,

Its with great pleasure to welcome Paul to the management of TLR. He brings with him a wealth of experience in managing his own team and organisation to great success. His background being from Enemy Territory, also welcome a new ET lineup in time for the newly annouced CrossfireQcup and CDC4 where TLR shall once again defend there 1st place crown. We look forward to a long future with TLR and he can bring the success he had with impact to TLR
And here is a statement from new TLR manager,

It is with great pleasure that i have joined the TLR management team. Both Mike and Munchies are dedicated managers who have similar aims and goals to myself and together i believe we make for a great backbone to the TLR organisation and i hope to now bring my own style of management on board and help take things even further and compliment the work that Mike and Munchies have done so far. I know there are a lot of people who have supported me at Impact and i hope that you will now continue to support me at TLR. With regards to ET the current Impact ET team will complete this EC season and then that will be the end for that group of players. Some will retire from competitive gaming whilst others will be going to the army, gl to mystic there. Therefore i have been working to bring together a new group of players who will now be going under the TLR banner and will you will see them soon active in the crossfire Qpad cup and the forthcoming CDC4 installment.
The new Enemy Territory squad for TLR is:

Good luck to the TLR ET squad and Paul in the future

gl guys
toxic is from malta :P
toxic is from malta :P
gl all
fucking nice! ;) eVo my hero! ;)
GL with the new team
go go go go teKoa!
Nice - <3 Squall
GL all
teKoa ^^
teKoa ^^
GL all
esp. Perfoboy :)
esp. Perfoboy :)
Gl teKoa and perfo!!!:D
Nice gl!!!
great lineup... hope you guys stay active! Gl to the dutchies!!! ....... and .. well... their teammates aswell....I guess
i don't think perfo is skilled enough to play for tlr. but good luck to him :D
gl, buy mystic from the army eVo!!!!!1
i asked him to get himself kicked out for rape but he had issues with that ... so selfish
very nice:D
never heard of any of you... but GL anyway..
you're funny
Gl with the new team
nice!!! go perfo and tekoa! :>
gl perfo.
gl TLR
where is mAus? :(
In jail.
Damn you QW.
he stopped QW already
mAus @ aMenti & EDiT
u're sooo fast :o
omg mAus omg oO
chlopak pytal, nikt nie odpowiedzial, wiec ja musialem :p
chlopak pytal, nikt nie odpowiedzial, wiec ja musialem :p