#whine.cup 1v1 #4 (6886 Views)
written by
on 02.01.08 17:33

#whine.cup 1v1 #4 :
Signups start : 2nd January (Wednesday) 20 CET
Cup start : 5th January (Saturday) 14 CET
Deathmatch maps:
All deathmatch maps have 10 minutes time limit.
Player with fewer DEATHS, after both rounds, won the map.
Self kills are allowed, but will give you a death.
Falling to death is also included to the amount of deaths.
Objective based maps:
These maps are without time limit.
When a player reached the map objective, then he won the round.
Round time is not counted here. Objective can be reached in overtime.
Self kills are disallowed at all.
- Banned players from CB/ESL are not allowed to play
- Players with red yawn are not allowed to play
- Record demos
- Nades are allowed
- Config cb1
Rounds and maps:
1st round - te_valhalla (14:00)
2nd round - ctf_multi (14:30)
3rd round - te_nihil2 (15:00)
Semi-final - mp_sillyctf, tournamentdm2 (15:30)
Final - Players choose their maps from mappol :
- te_valhalla
- te_nihil2
- tournamentdm2
- ctf_multi
- ctf_well
- mp_sillyctf
whine.cup @ QNet


me like the banner xD
me like your name xD
#1 coOles
#2 kallomena
#3 Lintu & maik
#2 kallomena
#3 Lintu & maik