Test news for gtvbot (2488 Views)

written by us gtv`steph on 26.05.06 15:18


Seems to be working:
[15:31:03] <gtv`bot> 26th May 2006 15:18 CET | Test news for gtv'bot | http://www.gamestv.org/news.php?id=44

Cool improvement.

Btw, is it possible to get access to the RSS to use in an RSS reader??
And is it possible to get the schedule as an RSS feed to (for the RSS reader)??
As the html code of this page can tell you, both are avi :
<link type='application/rss+xml' rel='alternate' title='GAMESTV.ORG Upcoming Broadcasts' href='http://www.gamestv.org/rss.php?style=3'>
<link type='application/rss+xml' rel='alternate' title='GAMESTV.ORG News' href='http://www.gamestv.org/rssnews.php?style=all'>

Then you have :
The news : http://www.gamestv.org/rssnews.php?style=all
The next matches : http://www.gamestv.org/rss.php?style=3
And sorry. I just don't check HTML sources. So i didn't know that.
But keep up the good work. I like the gtv`bot reading news feature.