3on3 ET Cup (7647 Views)

written by pl manlux on 12.01.08 11:09


edit flags.
2 many polish teams
Gl les FR
gL to [flag=ma] MoroCCo
et is dead
nice flag loverboi! <3
i'm currently at knokke (belgium) :-)

how are you doing?!
fine , you ?
come to ghent!
why? :o
I live there :d
:D don't think i will come to ghent, i'm on some kind of holidays and we drive back to germany tomorrow...
why 8bits has eu flag ? They are [flag=pl]poltards :F
GG MANLUX fucking tard... -.- get brain... how much 8bits pay you for add ? fucking idiot.. and no brain... a teraz po polsku bo mnie wkruwi;es CHUJ CI W DUPE....
zamknij piczke kupo gowna :X
rydzyk iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii chuj ! =D
-.- chuja to Ty w zyciu nie wiedziales -.-
for me there is 2 mnay polish clans :>
*no offense*
STFU rydzyk nolife kid. In opposite of u Manlux organizes some cups and people want to game in thats cups. That people like Manlux keep Polish ET - gaming on good level. You are only able to whine and complain and say: ŻAL.PL
MANLUX gr8 job and don't worry about whine's kids.