Warsow 0.4 Duel Arena Funcup (3157 Views)
written by
on 25.01.08 14:05

SIGN UP BETWEEN 18:00 and 19:00CET
The cup starts tonight at 19:00CET
Date - Fri, 25th of January 2008
Gametype - DuelArena
Mode - Double-Elimination
Players - 16-32
Maps - wda1, wda3, wda4, wda5, wda6
IRC - Cup admin: mason in #warsownews
Rules - all matches bo3, scorelimit 10, timelimit 0
Signups - Comment to this news between 18:00 and 19:00 CET to play in the cup with your name and a short message. only accept signups after 18:00 CET!
INX-Gaming.co.uk provides a DA-server for the cup:
connect; password warsownews.
Find more gameservers on this link.
How to sign up:
sign up with a comment in the Cupnews of warsownews.net (You have to Register first).
You have to be in IRC Quakenet #warsownews
If you can't connect to mIRC Quakenet you are not allowed to play the cup. You can download mIRC at mirc.com install and connect to the server Quakenet and join the Channel #warsownews (/join #warsownews !)

Thanks for the news, Videl.
Can make it an event so I can add the warsownews-TV servers?
wda2 out, wda6 in!
Can make it an event so I can add the warsownews-TV servers?
wda2 out, wda6 in!
sure :) i'll add event as soon as possible
nice job!