#clansonly.wars new channel need your help... (5232 Views)
written by xArQi on 04.02.08 17:23
Hello !
I've come to tell you about a new ET match find channel (created on saturday)
This channel isn't 6on6.et or 3on3.et's copy ! We knew that many people were bored to play against mixes when they said no mix or clansonly on IRC so we decided to create a channel devoted in CLANSwars only (train or offi)
clansonly.wars is now opened since yesterday, and we were surprised by your support in pvtmsgs, or in the channel so we can say that this idea isn't so bad !
Make it alive by add to your perform and if you really want to help us let's try /amsg we try to develop the concept of ET nomix/clansonly match find channel, help us in #clansonly.wars please need support (add to favs)
we need some more really active admins /q YkNg
CU there ! #clansonly.wars
I've come to tell you about a new ET match find channel (created on saturday)
This channel isn't 6on6.et or 3on3.et's copy ! We knew that many people were bored to play against mixes when they said no mix or clansonly on IRC so we decided to create a channel devoted in CLANSwars only (train or offi)
clansonly.wars is now opened since yesterday, and we were surprised by your support in pvtmsgs, or in the channel so we can say that this idea isn't so bad !
Make it alive by add to your perform and if you really want to help us let's try /amsg we try to develop the concept of ET nomix/clansonly match find channel, help us in #clansonly.wars please need support (add to favs)
we need some more really active admins /q YkNg
CU there ! #clansonly.wars
Monday, 4th February 2008 17:40
HF and thx for all the support we have since the creation
news worth, rly!
You should've posted it :(
you should have catched cancer
I am searching it :(
good idea!
np...more places to try a mix against a clan...good idea...
since we are talking about IRC channels! #Snaake ! eicher giving out free cookies!
no no!
#idem.et The best channel!
#idem.et The best channel!
clanslonly dont u get in :D
hl yKng