cwG Joines Avid Gaming (9204 Views)

written by no Mo00mi on 18.02.08 13:48


HAHA, news really
hey noob, active again? saints? xD
My exact thought.
Why do you need 2 more players when you already have 10 in your squad?
So we can be more active then we are now
stable lineup I see!
Which = ETTv everyday right?
whats wrong with cheaters, you're one yourself
Im not playing ET anymore
gotta love cwg
Not cwg anymore :)
gotto love your not banning him
new gaming with free cms site... sure
nice website :x
Error message in here :s:p
Homesite willl be online soon
GL cwG^^
Mummy is a netcoder customer, isn't he?
So ?

Im not playing
And you don't see the conlict? I'd prefer to eat shit than to play for a team managed by a person like you.
lol uniq plz GTFO of there as fast as possible!
Why you need to contact Mummy if you think you're good enough to join the team, hes the only one wo doesn't play ET anymore so I think a more logical solution is the Team captain....
Good luck! :)
but uhm why this news is on main site?
free gaming gear.... yh right, like you get a ultra free t-shirt! Get real please, and note some sponsors...
Say hi to mister Mummy.
Eddie er snill han :)
Mummy kan ikke bli kjørt over av en bil. Bilen spretter jo tilbake! :P

Blir for tung motstand til at bilen kommer noe videre.
Men ey, ikke mobbe Mummy, han kan finne på å hacke deg!
Joda. Husker du da Mummy skrøt av alle sine biler?
Hva faen ska han med biler? Han får jo ikke plass i dem :/
Kan ikke jeg få dem mummy? ;)

Ja jeg er SÅ jævla redd for og og bli hacka :D
Av en 38 år gammel man. Da har han fritids problemer..
Han er jo såppas voksen at han ikke bryr seg om det her men det får vi se ;)
JAJA XMOTIVE Kjekt og se hvem som har problemer her

hahaha.. Eg dør.. No bynne du og krangle me en 15 åring :D
lol zodi @ anger managment :DD <3 you to!
hmm everyone loves to criticize Mummy and the former CwG but really, he didn't need to post this news unless he was proud of what they are doing.

Lets see, I have seen a few other clans recently playing almost every day matches on ettv and didn't see much criticism of them?

Also I almost have the feeling there are no clans in Poland with a matchserver anymore and thats why every 3v3 / 6v6 ladder match or other seems to be played on ettv so they can use a free GTV matchserver!! (This is just my opinion and is not meant as a criticism)

However Mummyand his clan did in the past, and are now, providing their own matchserver and hired an ettv server so tbh they could broadcast their own matches as much as they wanted anyway.

AFAIK GTV is a equal oppurtunity site and as such anyone that wants to request coverage of their clans matches can do so. Also in terms of news posts, besides something that GTV admins would not consider news, we allow anyone to contribute news / blogs etc.

So what I am saying is that I think you should all think more about your comments before posting.

Yes I am a GTV admin and yes Mummy has in the past and is still at present hiring a matchserver / ettv server from my own server business but this is not the reason I am adding these comments, as it doesn't really matter if I post this.
Getting criticism for being a hacker and nC customer, I dont think its the fact there on ETTV that bothers people :P
Well in reply to that, I would say that I don't think, for whatever reason he had, it was good idea.

I mean I'm first to say that I cannot understand why people cheat, besides that their life is not stable enough.

However as Mummy stated he no longer plays and I would also say that he has been a real pain in the a** chasing me non stop to install every anti-cheat tool available on their matchserver. So I'm sort of guessing that he learnt something by his experience.
Fair enough, but the ET community doesnt tend to forgive/forget
Because he is a retard.
He even hacked me and Snuble, and got access to Crossfire (with an admins pw) and deleted the "FusenGate 08" etc.
I did not hack zodiac and snuble thats bullshit
Yes, of course it is.
I (and few others) have a lot of proofs, but they just aren't good enough for oh mighty Police.
Good for you, bad for us.
So you did hack crossfire? lol skillz mofocker
He got an admin's password with hacking (thats the way he got mine, viperius' and snuble's password aswell)
I did not hack CF thats bullshit
clans from Poland arent using own matchservers because they dont know how to add it or they dont have ettv mod ( dont know how to install it)
im not saying about their games, talking about this "newspost"
agree no one whines about the polish wars here
this aint news, go to crossfire with that, nobody wants to see this post.
and ye, giving website address and the site is "coming soon", oh pls...
fuck you
eat aids and die
med+ high :---DDDDDDDDDDDDDD what a big joke pls mummy die aids pls
who cares about cwg ... just play on the lowest skill like before and shut up thx bye
GL guys, hf Uniq retard XDDD
da blat randoms kak deti seba vidut :DDD + hater potomushto u nih nehuya net a u nas est.
# Query failed: errorno=1146
# error=Table 'avidgami_preben.webs_coverages' doesn't exist
# query=SELECT * FROM webs_coverages WHERE saved='1' AND displayed='1' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0,2
someone is messing with mysql :)
"skill around med+"

now i lol'd big time.
to those retards whos saying that were low+...wake up, open your eyes fools
med- max :D
You got to admit that most people in CwG are wannabes! (with exceptions)
mummy - i know you dont cheat anymore and stuff, but thing is, you got busted beeing NC costumer - so mate, what the fuck you expect everyone to do? wish you good luck?
Not all pepole that are NC costumer uses cheats

I used the tracker (Not using anything now)
Of course all NC customers have at least tried their cheats, and are most likely using them.
And, if you bought just to use the tracker (biggest bullshit ive heard btw), why didnt you buy a cheaper cheat to another game, instead of the #1 Clanwar-bot to your favourite game..?
made me lol
I so wanted to join your clan, damnit. :(
I just can agree with Zodiac you really think ppl buying cheats and dont use them !? :DDD
It's just pure bullshit from a non-intelligent man.
uniq lol
eddie = o8
Rosa is good.
The rest arent even close to med+high...

And Mummy.. GTFO please.
you're kinda wrong there hope :DDD
I failed xP
- Free Tickets to lan when we are going on it '

Btw, do you really think that will happen to a clan that is not playing the highest level and is completely new?
never said anything about sponsors but the players. And why whine? I dont get peoples problem, why write shit instead of just saying gl or not saying anything at all :s
It's not whine. Rather that you don't get any false promises from MGC's. Would be nice if you actually got this support, but I am just seriously doubting that a new MGC will sponsor a team from a 5 year old game which isn't that known.
maybe be true, we'll see :p
I'm not 08 :D I'm the 2nd Swedish eddie also known as the Musician Eddie_. Damn proud to make music for people!
completely new?
gl uniq. uniq bobban and rosa are good. ghost2 lacksteamplay and gamesense. who is lelle and inc? if Inc is include he got busted long time ago
lelle is old school KiH (Knö i hörn)
Inc is aka cwg ghost1 so plz STFU speaker

Include is aka X motive aka Frosken( AND HE IS NOT IN Avid clan)

Dont talk about stuff you dont have a clue about
Of course X-Motive ain't in your clan.
He's not a retard you know!
thats why i asked u fucking peon. where was i rude u mug.
Include ain't busted for nothing.
Except for his father's nC account. (his father had IP match + email match, include had only ip match)
he got his dad to join and buy his hax for him? :o
You could believe so.
But I trust X-Motive.
And he even told me about his father's hacks long before the FusenGate..
X MOTIVE told me on irc that he had used it

BTW Zodiac you allso told me that you had ETBot
Haha, yes I did :D
I told you I had it to see your reaction.
Since you earlier had said "omg I dont use it anymore", I wanted to see if you suddenly changed your mind if you talked to another etBot-fellow.
But apparently you busted my lie quite fast, and said: "how is it? I havent tried it since version x.xx"...

EDIT: I have no idea if X-Motive have tried his father's etBot or not, but I know he didn't use it often.
Not on my computer, fucker! :D
GL : o )
gotta luv the drama :D
GL my new friends xd
GL Uniq,bOBBAN, eddie :}
hur gick de med alla gears o lan support?