Interview with cZar|lioco! (3570 Views)

written by on 27.05.06 18:22


gl cZar
" lio: He is the engine of the team, both in game leader and overall leader makes him the most important person within the clan. He is also known for his superb rifle skills. "

nice ego lio ;D
Actually, someone else wrote that for lioco, because he could't write shit about himself =)
Don't blame him !
Belgium ftw!!!1
nice Iview... and GL vs sin ;)
well said lio!!! n1, gl!!!
[/QUOTE=VENTRILO]team-uQ[zeto]: Atleast I got an aim!

Gl zeto :D gg man ;-) & nice iview of xqvr and lioco :)
nice interview, go czar
Good job!
czar ftw