Japanese team/clan introduction (4997 Views)
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on 14.03.08 10:34

but be careful about this thing - All info's base are belong to me :D
Gaming yellow monkeys is a stronger team which made by Japanese oldschool


Epicus is a only team which doesnt organized by oldschool. the leader


Spilt is the latest team which made by [flag=jp]MiRUKU and [flag=jp]Kirark, MiRUKU was a captain of the highskilled team AtRocious-Gaming, and Kirark was a captain of the highskilled clan Nadir. after disband of both highskilled clans, they choose the way to cooperate and built new army. they got some people from public and gave their skill to them. but they thought it doesnt have enough power to prac with other team in even. so they invited a skilled player [flag=jp]Lene from Nadir. then they become good. and bootcamping hard now.
Sixdope is the well-regulated team witch made by an oldschool player [flag=jp]Kevin. He made a team as Versus, but there was too much people, and little incident called "What is ****" happened. so he dicided to disband the team and created new as Sixdope. they had poor skill in the beginning surely but they practiced strict. so now they are running in better.
the man [flag=br]Notus who is only Brazilian in Japanese ETscene was invited to the team by pretty landmine-girl [flag=jp]ayamy. when she went to Brazil for summer vacation, she met him in a hotel bar and told about Enemy Territory. then he could talk Japanese well so she employed him and got back to Japan with him. and they also got Japanese legendaly player [flag=jp]Stain famous as Steinbolt from Nadir. so their skill will be increased.
Vorwarts! is the last Korean Enemy Territory team which made by [flag=kr]ReMinD. long time ago the old korean team Warholic came to Japan and had some match against Japanese teams, but time is changing, the Korean team disbanded unfortunately because of much people went to military service. ReMinD was a player of Warholic, had better skill and had nolife, after disband of Warholic he spends bored days and dicided to make new force. he collect some public player and teach them how to play clanmatch, then they got skill.
Skilled players [flag=kr]fRust, [flag=kr]laejin and [flag=kr]Asmodeus were lineup of Warholic, and they heard the news, surely joined the team, so now [flag=kr]Vorwarts! is giving a alot of fear to some Japanese people with their Korean-style fighting.

Nice gl! If any of you need a highskilled japanese player msg me!
gl MiRUKU <3
sirokuma ftw <3
Thanks RollStone ! GL Koreans and MiRUKU you are a pwner :D
nice idea
post on xfire too !
post on xfire too !
Welcome to ET, Japan XD
"the man Notus who is only Brazilian in Japanese ETscene was invited to the team by pretty landmine-girl ayamy. when she went to Brazil for summer vacation, she met him in a hotel bar and told about Enemy Territory. then he could talk Japanese well so she employed him and got back to Japan with him"
translation (c) bable fish
ayami went to Brazil for vacation and met Notus. They talked about Enemy Territory and sex and bukkakes etc. Anyways, he learned japanese so fast that ayami "recruited" him and they went back to Japan to have sex with small chinese dicks and hairy pussies.
thanks for the translation
nice post lolstone! :D
Mixed owners in every team :o

sWEET, gl hf everybody!
GL :-)