Japanese team/clan introduction (4997 Views)

written by jp RollStone on 14.03.08 10:34


Nice gl! If any of you need a highskilled japanese player msg me!
gl MiRUKU <3
sirokuma ftw <3
Thanks RollStone ! GL Koreans and MiRUKU you are a pwner :D
nice idea
post on xfire too !
Welcome to ET, Japan XD
"the man Notus who is only Brazilian in Japanese ETscene was invited to the team by pretty landmine-girl ayamy. when she went to Brazil for summer vacation, she met him in a hotel bar and told about Enemy Territory. then he could talk Japanese well so she employed him and got back to Japan with him"

translation (c) bable fish
ayami went to Brazil for vacation and met Notus. They talked about Enemy Territory and sex and bukkakes etc. Anyways, he learned japanese so fast that ayami "recruited" him and they went back to Japan to have sex with small chinese dicks and hairy pussies.
thanks for the translation
nice post lolstone! :D
Mixed owners in every team :o

sWEET, gl hf everybody!
GL :-)