fc| Spring Cup 3on3 (34665 Views)

written by nl 4drenalin3 on 18.03.08 19:12


1st gl hf

me like your banner:)
poephoofd are you playing cod4.

on the opa clan server???
no im not:D thats mate of mine i guess:p he always steals my name:D
Gl 4dre...

I talked with fugg maybe we come with a old fc alstar team to join the cup;)!

Fugg, Dave and Me;)!
But still need to discusse that with them:D!

You will here from us!
hehe where's fugg studying atm? Because that's the reason why he quitted gaming, I thought ...
Yeah he quit ET cause he is studying in UK;)!

But soon he will have time i guess he sayt something in that way so i might think of doing a allstar thing!
Looking forward to this :D
gl !
1st place: 16 slots public ET server (1 month)
2nd place: 16 slots private ET server (1 month)
3rd place: 16 slots Teamspeak server (1 month)

I took them on website and why priv server for 2nd place. Imo then i better lose final and get prv server because public server sucks imo swap these things

1st Prv server
2nd public
3rd TS
You are free to use the public server as private server :)
its easy to put a PW on
public servers cost much more anyway
Due to the enormous amount of registrations, we have decided to extend the maximum amount of teams from 16 to 24 teams! However, because of the huge amount of matches this brings with it, we will lower the times you play vs the same team in your group to 1 (instead of 2).
looks interesting
3 of 24 spots left!
It's FULL!
gl in cup