Interview with RG|biTe about MB cup (2365 Views)
written by Smejky on 24.03.08 17:31
I prepared first interview about MagicBalloons 6v6 cup. This interview is going to be with RandomGaming player - BiTe. He will introduce his clan, say his word about organisation of MagicBalloons cup and tell us more interesting things. You can look forward for photo in the end of
interview ...
magic|Smejky: Hi BiTe, so at first, could you introduce yourself and your clan?
RG|bITe: Well, I'm biTe. I live in the Netherlands and I'm 16 years old. And I'm playing in Random Gaming, first that was a multigaming clan, but they stopped with ET and now we're part of #Team.xT. We are all friends for like a year now and have been practicing as much as possible, our line-up now: ManhunT, biTe, reVogue, Cobra, Janus, Porky. We all have our own abilities and we all fit together as a nice team, adn we're doing pretty well lately in my opinion.
magic|Smejky: In what or who is the main force of your clan?
RG|bITe: Well, we don't have very known players and not much players who aim very good. (with exceptions like reVogue) But our teamplay is allways very good, and even if we play versus skilled clans, we won't get bashed very easily. We just know from eachother how we play, and that makes our teamplay very hard to beat.
magic|Smejky: RG clan was presented in CDC4 qualifiers. Can you summarize your playing and your feelings of those qualifiers?
RG|bITe: We actually didn't play there, we played the qualifiers for it, but we lost vs. FiF Green (a very good team as I may say), because we didn't practice very much back then. But still we went there with the dutch part of the clan, and had much fun there ofcourse. We are going for the CDC5 aswell in September 2008.
magic|Smejky: How long were you considering registration to MB cup? What have you been expacting from cup?
RG|bITe: As soon as I heard of the cup, we wanted to participate in it. Magic Balloons has a quite good reputation in the ET scene in my opinion, so we thought it would be nice to play there. My expectations were very good, and the cup is advancing pretty well at the moment. I think our goal is to finish in the top-5 teams here, if we won't get unlucky with who we will face in the next round.
magic|Smejky: How would you rate MB cup organisation (1-10, 10=best) and why?
RG|bITe: Hmm, the organisation. I would say 8, it can always be better ofcourse :> Just because they are making nice decisions with teams that are inactive or are accused of hacking and at every match there is a referee on the server who isn't biased. So I kinda like the organision.
magic|Smejky: What is your opinion for cheating? Have you ever played in clan, where cheater took in?
RG|bITe: Cheaters should be banned right away, but the current PunkBuster system really sucks. And from my own clan a played called "booNtje" got banned on ClanBase and I replaced him as a rifle. I ofcourse hate cheaters, piece of scum that they are. But this game is really going to die when there isn't going to be a new anti-cheat system very soon.
magic|Smejky: BiT, thank you very much for interview and good luck in Cup! Do you want to send any word to our fans?
RG|bITe: Yeah, no problem. And just keep playing everyone!
interview ...
magic|Smejky: Hi BiTe, so at first, could you introduce yourself and your clan?
RG|bITe: Well, I'm biTe. I live in the Netherlands and I'm 16 years old. And I'm playing in Random Gaming, first that was a multigaming clan, but they stopped with ET and now we're part of #Team.xT. We are all friends for like a year now and have been practicing as much as possible, our line-up now: ManhunT, biTe, reVogue, Cobra, Janus, Porky. We all have our own abilities and we all fit together as a nice team, adn we're doing pretty well lately in my opinion.
magic|Smejky: In what or who is the main force of your clan?
RG|bITe: Well, we don't have very known players and not much players who aim very good. (with exceptions like reVogue) But our teamplay is allways very good, and even if we play versus skilled clans, we won't get bashed very easily. We just know from eachother how we play, and that makes our teamplay very hard to beat.
magic|Smejky: RG clan was presented in CDC4 qualifiers. Can you summarize your playing and your feelings of those qualifiers?
RG|bITe: We actually didn't play there, we played the qualifiers for it, but we lost vs. FiF Green (a very good team as I may say), because we didn't practice very much back then. But still we went there with the dutch part of the clan, and had much fun there ofcourse. We are going for the CDC5 aswell in September 2008.
magic|Smejky: How long were you considering registration to MB cup? What have you been expacting from cup?
RG|bITe: As soon as I heard of the cup, we wanted to participate in it. Magic Balloons has a quite good reputation in the ET scene in my opinion, so we thought it would be nice to play there. My expectations were very good, and the cup is advancing pretty well at the moment. I think our goal is to finish in the top-5 teams here, if we won't get unlucky with who we will face in the next round.
magic|Smejky: How would you rate MB cup organisation (1-10, 10=best) and why?
RG|bITe: Hmm, the organisation. I would say 8, it can always be better ofcourse :> Just because they are making nice decisions with teams that are inactive or are accused of hacking and at every match there is a referee on the server who isn't biased. So I kinda like the organision.
magic|Smejky: What is your opinion for cheating? Have you ever played in clan, where cheater took in?
RG|bITe: Cheaters should be banned right away, but the current PunkBuster system really sucks. And from my own clan a played called "booNtje" got banned on ClanBase and I replaced him as a rifle. I ofcourse hate cheaters, piece of scum that they are. But this game is really going to die when there isn't going to be a new anti-cheat system very soon.
magic|Smejky: BiT, thank you very much for interview and good luck in Cup! Do you want to send any word to our fans?
RG|bITe: Yeah, no problem. And just keep playing everyone!
Monday, 24th March 2008 17:34
#Team.xT :>
#Team.xT :>
GJ !
hi bITe
how come i never played with you before?
how come i never played with you before?
How come I have?
i neither played with you, heard that you were inactive or something.
gj smk :-)
charism anyway :P