Enemy Territory EuroCup XVII Groups announced (44502 Views)
written by
on 28.03.08 00:57

All games will once again be played according to a pre-made roster. If a match-date is not suitable for your team you can arrange to have it changed to another date/time by agreeing to a new time slot for the game with your opponent for that particular game and e-mailing Koe or Bartichello with this information at least 48 hours before the ORIGINAL match. Both teams need to send a mail.
Every team should take this time top read up on the rules. Guids must be in order 24 hours before each game. You know when each game is supposed to take place so checking it beforehand isn't that much trouble. If for any reason you could not change your guid in time be sure to warn the supervisors of this problem.
Also we now have a real coverage sup working for us. I hope everyone is willing to cooperate when he wishes to make coverage for any of your matches. You never know that Stealth might wish to interview you.
The groups can be found here.

8 teams in playoffs will be: Impact, Fatgames, MPG, EDiT, OVERLOAd, Cortana/maybe FF, KKK, VAE
ff is stronger than fg, edit
but who cares about the rest
impact will win
but who cares about the rest
impact will win
estonian point of view :D
FF stronger than EDiT ????
Yes, stronger...
well i'd like to see that first :P GG vs vae ;)
GL fatgames
np 4 fat & impact
GL FATTIES luv yas