Addictsklan 3on3 Cup (12686 Views)
written by
on 18.04.08 15:58

Welcome to AddictsKlan/ The_gathering ET 3on3 Sw Cup
Information regarding Addictsklan/ The_gathering 3on3 Cup :
Time: 1st Group Match start 19th
Teams: 16
IRC Channel: #addictsklan.cup on Quakenet ( U need to idle!)
Contact: /q ak|yoshi @ #addictsklan.cup
Signing up:
Signups begin RIGHT NOW and will end at 03:00 CET (GMT+1) on April 18, 2008
Please email me ( with the following information:
1. Team Name
2. Contact Information (preferably xfire or email)
3. IRC Channel
4. Lineup (you are allowed 6 players, and you can only use these 6)
5. Do you have a server that runs the newest CB 3v3 config?
- No CB/ESL banned players allowed, no red yawns, no ex-banned players.
- All players must record demos
- Server must be running the most recent ClanBase 3v3 config
- Maximum 6 players allowed in lineup. Maximum 2 substitutes per match.
- 2 map in group stage and playoff tree; Best-of-3 in Bronze Final and Grand Final
- - No-shows can be reported 15 minutes after scheduled match time (yes, I'm aware this is longer than the time allowed by ClanBase)
The 1st Group Match Begins in 19th April (and THIS ISN'T A ONE DAY CUP!)
Map pool:
- Braundorf_b4
- Supply Depot
- Sw_goldrush_te
- Frostbite
- Adlernest
- Et_ice
- Et_beach
1st Place - 1 private gameserver for 1 month (14 slots)
2nd Place - 1 Teamspeak/Ventrilo server
3rd Place - 3 Bnc's
Thanks, and best of luck to all the participants! If you have any questions, feel free to email me or /q ak|yoshi on #addictsklan
PS : Sign Up's close today at 23:00 CET

gllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ak