#Force'Gaming Giving out Prizes (5812 Views)
written by
on 20.04.08 16:30

We are able to give out some prizes!

The only thing you have to do to get this is register to our website and put after your nickname on website "prize".
The winners will be chosen random by our system and will only look to the registered users with the names that end on prize.
Like if i would register it would be "xarqiprize". If you already have an account then change you nickname!
In about 2 weeks we will let u know by e-mail what u have won.
Tip: If u are a clan and all clan members register, there is more chance to win something for your clan!
All these prizes are sponsored by our main sponsor. unitedgameservers.nl #United-Gamehosting @Quakenet
force-gaming.net || #Force'Gaming @ quakenet
force-gaming.net || #Force'Gaming @ quakenet

Nice xarQi :>
nice idea :-)
i'm gonna win everything !