bGaming 3v3 Cup IV (10451 Views)
written by
on 21.04.08 04:17

Information regarding bGaming 3v3 Cup IV:
Length: 1 week to 2 weeks
Start Date: April 28, 2008
Teams: 16
IRC Channel: on Quakenet
Contact: /q pstarZ|Nemes!s @
Xfire: gixretirednemesis
Signing up:
Signups begin RIGHT NOW
Please email me ( with the following information:
1. Team Name
2. Contact Information (preferably xfire or email)
3. IRC Channel
4. Lineup (you are allowed a maximum of 5 players, and you can only use these 5)
5. The Etpro guids of all players that u registered. This is to check that nobody has red yawn and that you are using ONLY the players on your lineup.
6. Do you have a server that runs the newest CB 3v3 config?
You MUST Email me with the above info and it MUST be correct! Don't write 10 people on your lineup because YOU ARE ALLOWED A MAXIMUM OF 5!!! Your application will be rejected if I do not receive your information through email or if you have more than the maximum number of allowed players!
- No CB/ESL banned players allowed, no red yawns, no ex-banned players.
- All players must record demos
- Server must be running the most recent ClanBase 3v3 config
- Maximum 5 players allowed in lineup. Maximum 2 substitutes per match.
- Best-of-3 in group stage and playoffs
- No-shows can be reported 15 minutes after scheduled match time (yes, I'm aware this is longer than the time allowed by ClanBase)
- You can change ur roster any time before the cup starts, but you can only have 5 maximum and you CANNOT CHANGE THE LINEUP AFTER CUP BEGINS!
- If you suspect that any of ur opponents are using players that aren't registered with them, take a screenshot of their guids and tell me. I will check with the master list.
- Mixes allowed :)
Map pool:
- Braundorf_b4
- Supply Depot
- Sw_goldrush_te
- Frostbite
- Adlernest
- ET_beach
- ET_ice
- tc_base
- When the match-list is generated, YOU MUST CHALLENGE YOUR OPPONENT! All team captains/managers should idle on (Quakenet) at all times to receive challenges. Otherwise, you MUST provide me with your email and contact information. When the cup starts, I will post a list of everyone's information so you can talk to your opponents.
- All matches must finish by May 10, 2008. You must also tell me when you propose to play a challenge! For example, if I want to play Nubs Elite at 2300 GMT 0 on April 28, I will /q pstarZ|Nemesis and say "bGaming is playing vs. Nubs Elite at 2300 GMT 0 on April 28." If your opponent does not do the same, the match will be considered cancelled! Make sure that when you arrange a time with them that they KNOW THAT THEY MUST TELL ME MATCH TIME. If you challenged your opponent and they did not show-up, you must /q me (pstarZ|Nemesis or pstOFF|Nemesis on and say that the opponent did not show-up! Wait 15 minutes after the arranged match start time before you report a no-show.
- All match results must be reported to me! If you don't report match results to me, I will accept the score your opponent gave!
ETTV Grand Final and Bronze Final:
Bronze Final---
May 11, 2008 @ 2100 GMT 0
Grand Final---
May 11, 2008 @ 2200 GMT 0
Hall of Fame:
bGaming 3v3 Cup I:


bGaming 3v3 Cup II:


bGaming 3v3 Cup III:


Currently signed up:














15. [flag=nl] Detonation XL
16. [flag=us] NbK
Thanks, and best of luck to all the participants! If you have any questions, feel free to email me or /q pstarZ|Nemesis on

hf gl
thx mundus, ready to get owned? :DD jkjk
xD everytime
<-- read the message I sent u on mIRC nub, k thx :)
im on Dad's PC
[flag=eu]Team-uSELESS havnt found eu flag at cup-site XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[flag=eu]Team-uSELESS havnt found eu flag at cup-site XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
absolutely useless imo ^^
Nemesis I am playing for TEX atm, but idk if I will be there, sorry no amusement for you lol