FiF goes 8Bits (8935 Views)
written by
on 29.05.08 13:19

We are active in the most important league and we play at every main LAN event. With the help of our supporters and sponsors we will continue to develop our community.
The Friends in Force is an Enemy Territory Clan which has been founded in 2006. In the 2,5 years that they exist, they have managed to reach their goal about being one of the main Benelux clans in the Enemy Territory scene.
As you can see a corporation between the Friends in Force and 8Bits can only leed to further expansion of both organisations. That is why FiF and 8Bits have merged into one organisation.
From now on the Friends in Force (FiF) will be known as 8Bits/FiF.
The organisation will look like this:
8Bits admins
8Bits/FiF Management
René "ReneGade" de Vries
8Bits/FiF Green
Jeroen "Jere" van Gool
Jeffrey "Joof" Bronk
Jan "siL" Van de Ponseele
Léon "vaNqu1sh" van der Jagt
Wim "Worm" de Buyser
Floriaan "ziff" Mons
Sander "BarBon" Jager
Maarten "Freedune" Runia
Bert "Oxooooh" Depauw
8Bits/FiF Yellow
Bert "Gringoe" Everaerts
Joeri "iMmi" Kleykens
Christophe "nAzty" Vandekerckhove
Ronald "Rezta" van Benthem
Kevin "Skippy" Zeemering
Wouter"wOeTrE" van Dorpe
Ton "artifexx" Wigger
Peter "Brutal" Adams
Roy "Boire" Middelburg
Jonas "Frauwe" Belmans
Maxim "KEYZER" Dekeyser
Statement ReneGade (FiF Manager):
With FiF joining the wonderful organisation of 8Bits-gaming, we hope to create the arrival of a further expansion of both organisations.
The Friends in Force will give it their best efforts to expand the name of 8Bits. On the other hand 8Bits is providing FiF with all the things needed to become stronger and stronger.
We are looking forward to a long and prosper corporation with 8bits-gaming![/align]

gl Rene Immi Skippy and all fif girls :>
no girls .. YET IMO! :(
more 8bits pls
I <3 Worm !!!
tinti !! :D