#a.Toon 1on1 Cup ETQW (11715 Views)
written by neobsen on 01.06.08 16:33
Today at 4:30 pm we will start our 1on1 Cup on ETQW!
We are sorry that the cup is already full, but you can watch some games here on gamestv.org!
Obviously these matches have to be added some minutes before the start (cause of the rule that tba lineups are not allowed). so keep on tracking the upcoming broadcasts at 4:30pm!
check our cuppage cup.kr33g.de for upcoming matches!
due to problems with our ETQW:TV server we can't broadcast any matches. sry
We are sorry that the cup is already full, but you can watch some games here on gamestv.org!
Obviously these matches have to be added some minutes before the start (cause of the rule that tba lineups are not allowed). so keep on tracking the upcoming broadcasts at 4:30pm!
check our cuppage cup.kr33g.de for upcoming matches!
due to problems with our ETQW:TV server we can't broadcast any matches. sry
Monday, 2nd June 2008 13:17