A call for Help - Enemy Territory (11378 Views)
written by
on 28.06.08 17:42

To sign this petition, go to this page.

although it is a nice initiative, i dont think a petition will make them change their minds...
2rd ? xDDDD
sorry im polok morda.
wtf ?
wtf ?
4st ^^ bad idea ftw
its obviously bad for a mongol like you who got caught twice for bimbot. good job i had fun with banning you. have fun with your cb ban
dude, as i said, relax :P dont flame here, I dont like that + I can remove your comments here :P
u are rly sad =[
so is your cb account tbh :(
5ndstrd :o
Maybe they had to give this a thought BEFORE they start working on an anti-cheat-tool for etpro...lofl :D
This petition is as useless as the question if there will be a new version of etpro soon...
Regardless of the fact that i respect the work and the idea of a 'cheat-free' community i think all the work is worthless since you can't create a 100% working ac-tool if you ain't got any backup from 1. the game-developer or 2. the mod-developer...
So IMO every ac-tool made by the community is about to fail...
Especially since you need something that runs with the game and nothing what the client can decide to run or not, like X-Ray AC...
Maybe they had to give this a thought BEFORE they start working on an anti-cheat-tool for etpro...lofl :D
This petition is as useless as the question if there will be a new version of etpro soon...
Regardless of the fact that i respect the work and the idea of a 'cheat-free' community i think all the work is worthless since you can't create a 100% working ac-tool if you ain't got any backup from 1. the game-developer or 2. the mod-developer...
So IMO every ac-tool made by the community is about to fail...
Especially since you need something that runs with the game and nothing what the client can decide to run or not, like X-Ray AC...
you obviously know nothing about the anti-cheat.
tbh i don't really care about those tools since its not the first time the et-community tries to get rid of cheaters with self-made tools, which fail in almost every point they can fail in...
And ET-ACE seems to become one of those...
No binaries and/or permission by bani = fail for ET-ACE.
Too bad, since it seemed to be a lot of work til now... but that's life...
And with X-Ray AC... don't install it and you can't be busted by it...great AC-Tool...
Correct me if i am wrong, but if that wouldn't be the truth atleast one of them would have a respected position as an ACT within the community and/or would be required to play in well-known leagues...
And ET-ACE seems to become one of those...
No binaries and/or permission by bani = fail for ET-ACE.
Too bad, since it seemed to be a lot of work til now... but that's life...
And with X-Ray AC... don't install it and you can't be busted by it...great AC-Tool...
Correct me if i am wrong, but if that wouldn't be the truth atleast one of them would have a respected position as an ACT within the community and/or would be required to play in well-known leagues...
Well tbh, for me it was already a surprise that CB took Killerboy as ET anticheat admin (no offence killerboy, but if there's one community i wouldn't expect to believe you, it would be clanbase, your doing a great job now :P) so what could be next? :P
Maybe this petition will help, at least give them a chance to do something against cheats ^^
Maybe this petition will help, at least give them a chance to do something against cheats ^^
well thanks, now were going to integrate the pbguid system, it will be hard but helpful to prevent any spoofers playing cb matches..... ect. even pbguid laming is dumb. you'll see it in the rules hopefully soon :p and some changes in the maxpackets limits. and i really wish etpro team good give etace the permission since they dont care about the game anymore (they work with microsoft LoL)
maybe try to do new mode or patch.. i know there will be long way for others to play with this mode but when this anti-cheaters tool will work people gonna start playing with it.. because u will be sure u can play without being killed by cheater.
jesus, i dont know if you read it well... but to make a new mod or patch you have to get the permission from etpro and id . thats why the petition. and i've tested this anticheat it caught the famous gnajda and doesn't allow cheats to work
Well...but...why they didn't pay attention to this BEFORE they started working on such tool? If this AC-T is sooo good and sooo well-planned this should've been the very first step to get all necessary permissions before even thinking about starting this project.... I mean...you don't build a house on a piece of ground where you're not allowed to build anything, without a permission.... Thats the thing i don't understand...
And tbh.... comments like are pretty lame and unnecessary. You simply don't bite the hand that feeds you. The community CAN ofc live without this uber-super-duper AC-tool but this tool cannot live without the community. And just to blame the community for the ET-ACE dev-team's faults is pretty dumb IMO...
btw... since this petition is for etpro only i am wondering if they do have the permission from id already?
And tbh.... comments like are pretty lame and unnecessary. You simply don't bite the hand that feeds you. The community CAN ofc live without this uber-super-duper AC-tool but this tool cannot live without the community. And just to blame the community for the ET-ACE dev-team's faults is pretty dumb IMO...
btw... since this petition is for etpro only i am wondering if they do have the permission from id already?
clayman, exactly what i was thinking while reading chapljas quote. problem is that those guys are coders, not planners. thats why every company got project managers to get problems like this solved coders dont think about.
Well...you might be right, but i can't fully agree with that because - especially as a coder - you need a plan for your project. Thats a simple fact. You need tools, you need specific knowledge...you generally need a plan on where to start first to prevent ending this in a big chaos with loads of unfinished project files...
And especially in this case - with the knowledge, that this tool only can work when it kinda hooks into the code of etpro or the game itself (or what-/whereever) - IMO its a basic thing to think about legal terms and conditions before starting such project and not after its being half finished...
And especially in this case - with the knowledge, that this tool only can work when it kinda hooks into the code of etpro or the game itself (or what-/whereever) - IMO its a basic thing to think about legal terms and conditions before starting such project and not after its being half finished...
The tool that caught gnajda is a private, closed-circle anticheat called Anti3, which worked good for very small competitions (was used in World Cup 3v3). That one didn't require any permission from anybody and was built 100% legally - Cheaters even tried to exploit what they thought to be a GPL license of one of the libraries we used - they failed!
The tool that we want to make now (no, we didn't make it yet!) it's still in planning/preliminary research stage and as part of that planning we're asking for what we need from the ETPro team ( http://bani.anime.net/banimod/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6922 ).
The tool that we want to make now (no, we didn't make it yet!) it's still in planning/preliminary research stage and as part of that planning we're asking for what we need from the ETPro team ( http://bani.anime.net/banimod/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6922 ).
That's not true. You don't have to ask for permission from anybody to make a new mod (say hi to CETPUB), but we do have to ask for permission to redistribute & etc ETPro as part of our anticheat system.