Crossfire Challenge 5! (11711 Views)
written by kr1s on 03.09.08 12:04 is proud to announce the fifth installment of its Challenge LAN Series running from December 12-14 2008. The event which has become a focal point in both the Enemy Teritroy and Call of Duty series returns with an improved prized offering and greater capacity to house teams wishing to attend. The event will take place in the WZZRD Gaming Center in Enschede powered by their new project,, this the venue which crowned Fnatic and The Last Resort champions in CoD4 & ET respectively.
The event will also feature an online tournament for each game in November to determine the seedings for the tournament before kicking off in earnest at 9AM on Friday the 12th of December in Enschede. QuadV as always will be live on location broadcasting both the tournament and all the fun of the event both to the web and to the local audience!
Entry fee's will work differently for this event featuring an early bird discount in September - Signups will open in September with the announcement of the prizes and all entries in September will be 40 Euro per player for ET and 50 Euro per player in CoD4. Signups will remain open in October but will be 50 Euro per player in ET and 60 in CoD4 and will only be accepted via online credit card payment (google checkout system). So if you pay before October you get it 10 Euro cheaper.
The event will also feature an online tournament for each game in November to determine the seedings for the tournament before kicking off in earnest at 9AM on Friday the 12th of December in Enschede. QuadV as always will be live on location broadcasting both the tournament and all the fun of the event both to the web and to the local audience!
Entry fee's will work differently for this event featuring an early bird discount in September - Signups will open in September with the announcement of the prizes and all entries in September will be 40 Euro per player for ET and 50 Euro per player in CoD4. Signups will remain open in October but will be 50 Euro per player in ET and 60 in CoD4 and will only be accepted via online credit card payment (google checkout system). So if you pay before October you get it 10 Euro cheaper.
Wednesday, 3rd September 2008 12:58
n1 copy paste with error
Weird that Toss didnt post it there himself as head admin ;)
he's still alive? :o
The Paralympics have grown from a small gathering of70-282 British World War II veterans in 1948 to become one of the largest international sport events by the early 21st century. Paralympians strive for equal treatment with able-bodied Olympic athletes 70-284, but there is a large funding gap between Olympic and Paralympic athletes. There are also sports, such as track and field athletics, that are resistant to Paralympians who wish to compete equally with 70-285 able-bodied athletes, though there have been Paralympians who have participated in the Olympic Games 70-290.