ESL 6on6 Instant Fall Cup (16396 Views)
written by
on 26.09.08 16:35

Date: 28th September 2008 15:00 CET
Cupmodus: 16/32 Slot , Single elimination , best of one & checkin
Maps: Supply, bremen_b2, sw_grush, frostbite, sw_battery, radar ,sp_delivery
Signup: Here (until 14:30) & Checkin here (14:40-14:50)
Rules: Here
Prizes: Premium Accounts & 1 Month 18 Slot ET server by eicher (20/month if you want to keep it afterwards)
The bracket will be available with the start of the first round at 15:00 CET. Do not forget to take demos and screenshots of each map.
Pay Attention to the Check in System!
Info: The teams which have already signed up can not be seen at the Contestants Page because of the Check in System!
If you have problems with the sign up or registering to ESL, feel free to contact an Admin via IRC: @quakenet or have a look at the Starter Guid.
ESL Newspost

How does it have a loser bracket if it's single elimination?
my bad x) fixxed now