differo, the start of something new! (5379 Views)
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on 01.11.08 01:57

Well Ive tried to find a solution for this. Back in the days when ET still was young i remember 2 special Swedes finding a solution for one of the problems, they simply made a IRCbot where you could borrow a server for like 2 hours. If i remember right the channel was called #server-2-rent. Mostly me and the Swedes used it since nobody actually noticed it.
Lan support is different. To get someone to pay for your trip you first of all have to have a reputation. Reputation is a big deal in nowadays eSport.
Adis law:

I have tried to figure out how to help people taking the next step. As written before reputation is a big deal. So i have come up with this idea.
As some of you may have noticed I have written for several sites like Crossfire, v&e, H2K, OVERLOAd & LowLandLions. And one thing I have learned is that you with only few lines can conjure a lot of reputation.
So therefore I have made something called differo.
differo : to spread news
Most of you have heard about Reuters, Reuters is the worlds biggest news service provider. The goal with differo is to make something similar but just for eSport. So far we have a channel called #differo, our website is currently being made along with our brand new IRCbots. We would be very happy if you joined our channel to show us your support.
The channel is totally new so don't be frightened to see that almost nobody is there.
The meaning of this channel is that almost everyone can write to the admins if they have a story that they want to be published.
If we think that the news story is worth being published we will publish it on several websites.
We will offer you professional news posts that really gives you goosebumps.
Remember you got the news we got the tools!
As something else we are also looking for some other news writers to support this ideá!
- Experience with news writing is not a must but is always a good start!
- Willing to offer your service to help others in need.
- We are currently in contact with several firms that are willing in supporting this idea. In the future we would pay our news writers for every news post being made!
As some of you have noticed we have switched our name this is because of some sponsordeals.
Yours sincerely Aden "adizz" Rovcanin - organization owner

sounds nice, but from my own experience here in CZE you can have as big reputation and fame as you want but nobody want to give you money :)
you've had bad experiences then; take a look at the success of teams like eSuba and nEophyte... eSuba got sponsors like AMD, ATI, Steelseries... nEophyte is even more successful than eSuba tbh. Really, how many teams in the world do you know that have 5 hardware sponsors? cuz they got Intel, ASUS, Steelseries, Logitech, and nVidia. "nobody want to give you money :)" looks like lots of these companies want to give Czech guys money :D
Believe me, I have very clear and first hand informations, I have been on many meetings and know how hard is achieve at least little support.
gl with the project!