I hope that everything will be ok (28116 Views)

written by gb jhonb on 01.12.08 19:52


:] nice work Jhonny ;)
"This game is based on 2nd World War, but it is only a game. I am sure nobody would like to experience it in real life."

If ET was real life, I might actually be able to hit people of certain nationalities!
If ET was real life I think I'd stay spec and enjoy the antics (http://www.strategypage.com/humor/articles/military_jokes_20057151.asp).
hahaha yeah saw an animation of that exact script in my friend's profile on crossfire :P
Made me laugh :D
Noble effort, yet futile.
I <3 you Johny
sometimes you have to ignore the whiners...

good job m8!
welcome to England friend.
my grandfather taught Polish pilots to fly the Spitfires that won the Battle of Britain in ww2
thousands of lives and planes were lost in that one single fight .. so no .. I would not like to live in ww2.

however, I regularly play in games with a polish clan , I host a server for this polish clan
nobody in this polish clan cheats , they have the same outlook as you have.

Merry Christmas

ps.. Polish people have been living in England since 1936 , they are not Immigrants.

Nice post man :P got a few polish friends irl .. damn vodka loving bastards :DD
But indeed yeh .. blame the player not the nation :P
"damn vodka loving bastards :DD"
we loving vodka as much as everybody at this world :D but you can't blame us that sometimes we can drink more ;]
Merry Christmas
(unfortunately i'm also polish living in england ;])
aye i didint mean that in a bad way :D i love vodka myself :D im from estonia -.- :DD
(unfortunately i'm also polish living in england ;])
But why unfortuantely ?? :P
that was sarcasm :P but the true is that I was compelled to departure by my own country...a little sad state of affairs
We invite you to play www.2go2.pl Thanks
dunno why but I find this post very funny
im turk so what ?

everyone is flaming me on cf, but noone really means it seriously...they are just making fun

i bet 99,9 % of the community have outlandish friends...they are just playing " the bad boy " on crossfire and ET because you cant do anything against it. In reallife they are a different person for sure. Just ignore it or laugh about it...i make jokes about jews too...i even make jokes about turks for fun....because if you can laugh about something it shows that you are "over" it (dont know how to say it in english...sry)

You even flame yourself meight!