Razz Returns! (3664 Views)

written by nl FlyingDJ on 14.06.06 19:09


razz :s
he should have made the movie with his rivatunter config
lol yeS
rivatuner grafik is the best :x
If there is possibility that someone uses rivatuner in CB why dont admins, ( that are on most high skill matches ) check the pbscreens and if there are old ones from matches that Razz played, maybe check them too.
rofl ET skill = Good PC good Config and good HaX/ProgZ... fair play in LAN party... but not possible so cannot kick cheaters... and rofl not only razz used rivatuner... whahaha... get a beer and u got skills u know...
unban him
Unban him imo : )
only becouse he has a boring fragmovie we should unban him :o?
No, because of he wasnt busted by CB admin / player during CB match. So why should he be banned from CB?
you have no idea about the issue right?
the movie has been removed from www.swertcw.com

reason; i just saw the pb screenshots. and razz is a a cheater. this is movie is deleted :(

omg swertcw <<< all :/
yeah. when ppl is or players like raZz is in TOP of the ET players then sum noobs go to say for CB admins that he cheats. who cares if he use cheats for fun in mix or sumthing i know its bad but did he use them in CB matches or sumthing? I dont know that but its not right that he got banned from CB that he can't play CB or EC or cup matches anymore. its not right. UNBAN razZ IMO!
I am so agree. If he had used <riverTuner in a off- match the whole thing would have been difrent.. BUT, in a unfoff mix mach!!??
Wht the hell is cb thinkin about ?

If RaZz just$ have been a regular "unknown" player. He would newer been kicked from CB. This is discriminating!
rofl such an idiots u r ... use rivatune too? or why u defend him? if someone once use hax what the hell makes him to not use at offi matches...?
First of all, it wasn't mixed. Razz was playing for defix with tags on.

Second of all, Razz has been in the scene for so long that he should've known what kind of risk he took using hax in the first place. He took the risk and lost it all. CB can't keep track of every player and since PB can't detect some cheats, it's good that still some players try to keep the game clean.

Big hand to chaoz and drago.
nice movie/config
is there any other way to dl the movie for god sakes who cares if he has or not cheated just let poeple see the movie!
THe Link Doesnt Do It please is there some places else to download ?
the link was updated