German State Cup 2009 (13455 Views)
written by
on 03.01.09 17:06

There will be 16 Teams participating for their state in four groups to hopefully reach the playoff. Only two states of each group can do it.

Generall Info:

11th January: Team captain application ends
18th January: Team forming period ends
19th-25th Junuary: 1st Matchweek
26th january - 1st February: 2nd Matchweek
2nd - 8th Febraury: 3rd Matchweek
9th February: playoffs starting
How i become captain of my team?
To become captain of your 'state-team', you have to join and contact one of the admins and offer why you are a good captain. If there are more applications for your team the admins will decide by the given information.
-Captains of each team must be registered on the Cuppage
-ALL players of each team must be added incl guids on the teamsheet
-Every player must be proofable living in the state he is playing for
-CB/ESL/WL banned player are not allowed to participate this cup
-Player with red yawn entries younger than 6 month are not allowed to play
-All Server have to run with the recent CB 6on6 config (cb6)
-The maps during the Groupstage are forced by the admins. In case of a draw after 2 maps, the 3rd map will be chosen by the eliminating system.
-By the proceeding the Playoff stage teams will choose their maps by themselves. BUT teams are forbidden to choose the same map of their two recent playoff matches.In generall teams are free to choose the sides on the map chosen by their opponent.

Team Nordrhein-Westfalen <3
take mallorca to it because mallorca is the 17th bundescountry xD
du bist auch son bundescountry :D
stfu mallorca is from spain ;D
it's germany :D
No lol! :D
But is full of germans on summer :D
But is full of germans on summer :D
it's germany not spain anymore
I don't understand why all germans go to Mallorca, when there are many other cheaper and sunny cities in Spain :D
why? couz of ballermann!
mostly scum goes to mallorca to get drunk all day and night :S
Have u ever been in Cadiz? Barcelona? Ibiza? I could name few more much better than mallorca. Mallorca is nice on summer only(coz of sun/beach/girls), the rest of the year is like a desert :D.
na havent been to spain at all :( we went to places like italy, croatia and egypt but i still have some years to go, so prepare your country! ;D
ofc i know that there are lots of better places than mallorca, i didnt say anything other. ^^
ofc i know that there are lots of better places than mallorca, i didnt say anything other. ^^
;) Call me when you come to barcelona!
will do!
bine for team hessen! <3
Interested players from Thüringen:
/q lagg3r in
/q lagg3r in
where does Butchji live?
Poland xD
danke, my money on Mark v Bommel then...
gonna be interesting
take me for sachsen/brandenburg
take me for sachsen/brandenburg
Brandenburg still need a captain ;)
do not want
beabsichtige, dem stärkeren team beizutreten, ma schauen - um komplikationen vorzubeugen : wohne in hoyerswerda und spiele fußball in cottbus...kurz gesagt: pendler
es geht nach dem Wohnort
völlig egal wo du fussball spielst ;)))
völlig egal wo du fussball spielst ;)))
gut gut...dann eben sachsen =)
falls noch mehr leute außer mir aus meckpomm sind und et zoggn meldet euch :I
mv <3
wat für skill brauch man denn für "Team Nordrhein-Westfalen" ? :)
reicht da low - ? :D
reicht da low - ? :D
Interested players from Sachsen:
/q powelcheck #sachsen-et
Danke lagg3r. :p
/q powelcheck #sachsen-et
Danke lagg3r. :p
Team BadenWürttemberg! wer spielt in dem Team mit? ich hoff urtier xD
wo kommt den urtier her? <-canstatter hier
ich mein er is aus köln
wer kommt den alles aus bw?
urtier spielt für nrw
bin aus HN... wer spielt jetzt für Team BW?? Ich hoffe urtier Butchji und co... naja gl
wie cRz_ auch aus HN ist :DDD
wer kommt aus bremen??
np4 bayern.. :D
das sagt ihr jedes jahr und trotzdem hat NDS die letzten Jahre gewonnen.. :D
das sagt ihr jedes jahr und trotzdem hat NDS die letzten Jahre gewonnen.. :D
egal, heuer wirds bayern :)
NDS is auch uber skilled! ;>
avi 4 berlin
avi for hamburg/bremen(bremen in the near :P )
geht ums bundesland...wird eher schwer dann wenn du weder in HH noch in HB wohnst ;)
SachseN ftw ;) wenn sachsen jemand braucht um denn skill zu drücken pm me xD
wer ist denn admin für team bremen ??
niemand atm
von bayern? :)
wer lesen kann ist klar im vorteil ;)))
#NeRo Monday, 5th January 2009 18:44
wer ist denn admin für team bremen ??
#NeRo Monday, 5th January 2009 18:44
wer ist denn admin für team bremen ??
I'm from POLAND!
And i think we have better players than u(OOPS! SIC!!!)
Hehehe :P
GL Berlin:D
I'm from POLAND!
And i think we have better players than u(OOPS! SIC!!!)
Hehehe :P
GL Berlin:D
np, you can play for silesia
i guess team bremen will play bremen_b2 as their map :D
sprica kommt aus rheinland-pfalz!!!
Baden-Württemberg ftw kanns nich oft genug sagen :)
GL Berlin!!!
Team hessen go :D