Coldfire TMF Oneday Cup (1vs1) (17173 Views)
written by Gero on 25.01.09 01:17
Name: Coldfire TMF Oneday Cup
Game: Trackmania Forever
Date: 28-01-2009
Format: 1vs1
Check in: 18:30 cet
Start: 19:00 cet
Teams: 0/16
Sign ups: yes, Sign up!
Map Pool
Clanbase NationsCup Mappack
Can be downloaded here.
Round 1 (19.00): NC-Maxil-A
Round 2 (19.30): NC-The BumbleBee
Round 3 (20.00): NC-Jeopardy
Final (21.00): Both teams pick 1 map from map-pool:
¤ NC-Maxil-A
¤ NC-Maxil-C
¤ NC-Jeopardy
¤ NC-Wendigo DoubleS
¤ NC-The BumbleBee
Main Rules:
¤ Players have to host their own server where they can play their match on!
¤ Each player must be idling on (Quakenet)!
¤ Each player must be clearly identifiable (same name as here).
¤ No-shows can be reported 5-10 minutes after scheduled match time.
¤ In the final ROUND-wins count, in case of a draw the decider gets chosen by elimination, the player that won the FIRST map can choose who starts to eliminate from the WHOLE mappool
¤ Be kind and do not drive admins mad!
¤ Breaking rules = kick from cup.
Server settings:
¤ Game mode = Rounds
¤ Disable respawn: True
¤ Alternate Rules = On
¤ Point limit after new rules = 7
¤ All matches are played in Rounds mode.
¤ Maps like in mappool.
¤ Do not start playing before scheduled match time!
¤ Each player has to take a screenshot from the scoreboard!
After Match:
¤ Both clans have to report score to one of cup refs/admins.
¤ Any requests of screenshots (from opposite team or cup admin/ref) MUST BE done.
Additional Info
¤ Official cup irc channel:
¤ All times are in CET (Central European Time).
¤ Only first 16 teams are sure of a spot in the cup. The rest will be backup for no-shows.
¤ Brackets will be announced at
¤ There will be a relay server for the final, just keep tuned in for more details
¤ If there is enough interest we will consider moving the cup to 32 players.
¤ Expect more cups soon!
Sunday, 25th January 2009 11:38
gl :)